LL.B Part-II: IT Skills Past Paper Annual 2020

Here you will find LL.B Part-II IT Skills Past Paper Annual 2020. This IT Skills paper is the sixth paper in the LL.B (5 years) Part-II examination. Find below the past paper of the IT Skills Annual 2020.

Note: Attempt any FOUR questions. All questions carry equal marks.

  • Read the problem statement carefully before attempting to answer.
  • Write definitions, and draw diagrams for elaboration. The explanation should be brief & to the point.

Q1. Define Computer, Software, Hardware, Application software, and System software.

Q2. Make clear the difference between RAM, ROM, Hard Disk, and CD-ROM.

Q3. Write notes on different kinds of Computers.

Q4. What is Internet? Write its advantages.

Q5. How one can insert a picture in a word document? Write the process stepwise.

Q6. Make clear the difference between Relative Absolute and Mixed mode addresses supported by Microsoft Excel.

Q7. Write a note of different parts of a CPU. Draw a diagram to support your answer.

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