Here you will find LL.B Part-4 Muslim Personal Law Past Paper Annual 2020. This Muslim Personal Law paper is the fifth paper in the LL.B (5 years program) Part-4 examination. Find below the past paper on Muslim Personal Law 2020.
LLB Part-4 Muslim Personal Law paper of 2020
Find below the past paper on the Muslim Personal Law for LLB Part-4 annual 2020.
Note: Attempt any Five questions.
Q1. Quran and Sunnah of the Holy Prophet (PBUH) play a vital role in Islamic Legislation and both can’t be understood and interpreted in isolation, explain and illustrate.
Q2. Ijtehad can only be carried out by the experts in the Feld known as Muitahids. Briefly
explain the necessary conditions for a Mujtahid to conduct the delicate responsibility of ijtihad.
Q3. What constitutes a marriage? Briefly explain its different kinds.
Q4. There are different modes and ways to dissolve the bondage of marriage Please explain and illustrate.
Q5. What is a Wali and its kinds and essentials?
Q6. The dower is one of the fundamental ingredients of Marriage Define discusses its kinds, and effects if the dower is not fixed at the time of contracting marriage.
Q7. What are the rights and duties of the Guardian and ward under the relevant provisions of
Guardian and Wards Act 1890? Briefly explain the different kinds of Guardians.
Q8. There are certain salient features of the Muslim Family Laws Ordinance 1961 and their impact on the law and society at large, kindly explain with your own views.
Q9. What particular steps are normally taken before the division of the estate of a deceased, prior to its distribution amongst the legal heirs?
Q10. Write short notes on the following:
- Waqf
- imam Ahmad Bin Hambal

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