LIS Questions asked in Different Job Interviews

Librarian’s job is a very important job for any organization. Especially if it’s an educational organization. That’s why hiring a perfect librarian requires a known personality who knows much about Library and Library operations. Here you will get the most important Library & Information Science (LIS) questions that were asked in different library job interviews. These LIS Questions were asked in library job interviews for different positions. So, if your interview is near then you must read out these questions and answers so that you can perform well in your interview.

You can also read about LIS MCQs to enhance your knowledge for various library-related examinations.

LIS Question and Answer asked in Job Interviews

Let’s see the important questions asked in library job interviews.

Basic Questions about Library Science

Q. Who was the pioneer of the Open Access system in the British Public libraries?

Ans. James Duff Brown

Q. Who coined the term “Librametry” and what does it denote?

Ans: Dr. S R Ranganathan. It is the statistical study of library science and service.

Q. Who Invented the Browne Charging system? And when?

Ans: Miss Nina E Browne in 1895

Q. What are the four infamous enemies of libraries?

Ans: Fire, Water, Vermin, and Human beings.

Q. What is the other name for book ends?

Ans: Book Supports.

Q. Name the librarian that introduced the Newark Charging system for the issue of books.

Ans: John Cotton Dana

Q. Dr. S R Ranganathan evolved a “Three card System” for the maintenance of periodicals record. What are the three cards maintained under this system?

Ans: Register Card, Check card, and Classified Index Card

Q. Who introduced the first Electrically operated book charging system and when?

Ans: The Gaylord brothers in 1932

Q. What is the other name for the Audio-charging system? Where was it put into use for the first time?

Ans: Dictaphone charging system. St. Louis County Public Library

Q. What is the other name for the Circulation department of a library?

Ans: Loan department.

Q. The five laws of library science were enunciated.

Ans: 1928, Ranganathan

Q. The Indian Library Association has founded in?

Ans: in Calcutta in 1933

Q. The definition of a Public Library was formulated by UNESCO in 1949 and was revised in

Ans: 1972

Q. The Russian State Library is located m:

Ans: Moscow

Q. The first librarian of the National Library, Calcutta was:

Ans: B.S. Keshvan

Q. The birth of ILA took place in the year.

Ans: 1960

Q. What was the name of the National Library of India before Independence?

Ans: Imperial Library

Q. Books for all is a variant  of law, i.e.

Ans: Second, Every reader of his/her book

Q. The National Science Library is part of:


Q. Library Association (U.K.) was formed in:

Ans: 1877

Information and Communication Questions about Library Science

Find below the Library Science Job interview questions about Information and Communication

Q. The Term “Information Science” came into existence in:

Ans: 1959

Q. The Shannon-Weaver Model of Information is Criticized for:

Ans: Being too mathematical

Q. Transborder data flow refers to:

Ans: Exchange of electronic information between countries

Q. “Half-life” of Information implies that:

Ans: As information ages-it is used less

Q. The term “Informatics” was coined by: 

Ans: Mikhailov, Chemji, Gilyarevaskii

Q. Growth of Information beyond the manageable limit is:

Ans: Information Explosion

Q. The concept of the anomalous state of knowledge was proposed by:

Ans: Vickery

Q. Information is: 

Ans: Processed data

Q. Information is the product and process both said by:

Ans: J. Martin

Q. Topmost consumer of Infomation are:

Ans: Researcher and Scientist

Q. Define index?

Ans: An index is a list arranged systematically, providing enough information about each item so that it can be identified and located easily. Also defined as follows:

  1. “An alphabetized list of names, places, and subjects treated in a printed work, giving the page or pages on which each item is mentioned” (American Heritage Dictionary).
  2. A systematically arranged list giving enough information for each item to be traced by means of a page number or other symbol indicating its position in a sequence” (Librarian’s Glossary).
  3. An alphabetically arranged list of headings consisting of the personal names, places, and
    subjects treated in a written work, with the page number to refer the reader to the point in the text at which information pertaining to the heading is found (Dictionary for Libra and Information Science).

Q. How is an index arranged?

Ans: Usually index is arranged alphabetically, but sometimes it may be arranged in some oth·”‘r fo
according to the needs of the user.

Q. What is indexing?

Ans: The process of compiling one or more indexes for a single publication sue as a monograph, or multivolume reference work, etc.

Q. What is the difference between index and bibliography?

Ans: Bibliography is a systematically arranged list of references to sources relating to a particular subject o person whereas an index is confined to a book or a set of bound journals.

Q. What does the acronym KWIC stand for?

Ans: KWIC is an acronym for Key Word In Context, the most common format for concordance lines. KWIC format shows index entries within the context in which they occur. This system was developed by H.P. Luhn.

Q. Explain keyword indexing.

Ans: The process of constructing or compiling an index of published materials using keywords/ significant words from a title or a text as an index, is called keyword indexing.

Q. What does KWOC stand for? 

Key Word Out of context, the use of significant words from titles for subject index entries, each followed by the whole title from which the word was taken.

Q. What does SGI stand for? 

Ans: Science Citation Index, originated by Eugene Garfield. The index was published in 1964for the first time.

Q. Why is an index compiled? 

The main purpose to compile an index is to guide users to the intellectual contents and physical location of a document, or a word name, concept, etc in a document.

Q. Describe the name index?

Ans: It is an index to the names of people referred to or cited in a work.

Q. Define alphabetic subject index?

Ans: It is an index, in which all the entries, items are arranged in one alphabetical order including subject terms, author names and place names; etc. The arrangement is generally made in alphabetical order and used as subject headings.

Q. What is meant by classified index?

It is an index, where entries are arranged according to some classification scheme.

Q. Explain the word index?

Ans: An index to the individual names, which the author used, is called a word index.

Q. What is the author index?

Ans: Index of authors and names of organizations, universities, government agencies, etc. used as authors are called author indexes.

Q. Define citation index? 

Ans: A list of articles that subsequent to the appearance of the original article, refer to, or cite, that article” (Librarian’s Glossary).

Q. Why cumulative index is prepared?

Ans: An index designed to save the user’s time by combining m a single sequence, the entries listed in two or more previously published indexes. In a more general sense, any index that combines a single sequence entry for previously published volumes of a book or periodical.

Q. Define chain index? 

Ans: Chain indexing·originally called chain procedure, is a useful technique in cataloging. Encyclopedia of Library and Information Science defines Chain indexing as a “method or deriving alphabetical subject index entries semiautomatic fashion from the chain of successive subdivisions that lead from a general level to the most specific level needed to be indexed”.

Q. What is a post-coordinate index?

Ans: System of indexing in which the subject of a document is analyzed into its constituent concepts by an indexer but the preferred terms so allocated are not combined until they are selected by a user at the search stage.

For example, when using post coordinate indexing, a manual on bicycle repair might be assigned the
three separate preferred terms like:

  1. bicycles
  2. repairing
  3. instruction books

Q. Define the pre-coordinate index?

Ans: A system of indexing in which the preferred terms allocated to a particular document are syntactically combined in one or more sequences representing the only combinations available for retrieval purposes. e.g. bicycles, repairing, instruction books.

Q. Name the first ever published index of the world?

Ans: Alexander Cruden’s Concordance ( 1737)

Q. Explain keywords?

Ans: A word used as a reference point for finding other words or information.

Q. Define concordance.

An alphabetical index of all the words in a text or corpus of text showing every contextual occurrence of a word (American Heritage Dictionary). In a more general sense, concordance is an alphabetical index to the principal words in a book.

Q. Where did the word thesaurus come from and what does it mean?

The word “thesaurus” is derived from Greek and, Latin words that mean “treasury”. This word has been used for a long to mean lexicon or treasury of words.

Q. Define thesaurus?

A lexicon, more especially where words are grouted by ideas, a group or classification of synonyms or near-synonyms, a set of equivalence classes f terminology.

Q. Define an abstract?

Ans: A form of current bibliography in which sometimes books, but mainly contributions to periodicals, are summarized. They are accompanied by adequate bibliographical descriptions to enable the publication or article to be traced and are frequently arranged in classified order (Librarian’s Glossary).

In simple words, an abstract is a summary of a document with the provisi0n of adequate bibliographic details so that one can trace the document easily. The document may be a book, an article from a periodical, or any other form of document. Abstracting service keep,s a scholar up-to-date with the available literature in his field.

Q. What are the various types of abstracts?

There are two kinds of abstracts:

  1. Indicative abstract: This type of abstract just tell briefly what the document is about.
  2. Informative abstract: An informative abstract provides detail about the substance of a piece of writing because readers will sometimes rely on the abstract alone for information.

Q. Describe the various purposes of an abstract?

Ans: An abstract fulfills the following needs:

  1. It keeps a researcher/scholar up-to-date with ·concerning knowledge.
  2. It tells the scholar whether the article is important for him/her or not.
  3. A classified index brings together materials on one object.
  4. It aids in the writing of the reviews.
  5. It helps m with retrospective literature search

Q. In which year were abstracting services first introduced?

Ans: Abstracting services were first introduced in 1665 in London.

Q. What Type of abstract can be used for as a substitute for the original document?

Ans: Infonnative abstract.

Q. What does LUCI stand for? 

Ans: Logical Unit-based Cyclic Index. It is a different version of the chain indexing system.

Q. What is the main difference between an index and an abstract?

Ans: The index locates a document and an abstract also does the same but describes the main and essential points dealt with within the document. An abstract avoids duplication of work by indicating whether .similar work has already been done elsewhere or not, and thus saves time.

Q. Define reprography in Library Science?

Reprography is a general term used for the reproduction of documents or images especially those that are virtually indistinguishable from the original. Reprography can be by mechanical, electronic, or photographic means such as photocopying or xerography, scanning, digital printing, and photography.

Q. What is meant by indexing language?

Ans: An artificial language consisting of subject headings or content descriptors selected to facilitate information retrieval by serving as access points in a catalog and index.

Q. What is Index Librorum Prohibitorum?

Ans: A “list of forbidden books” was prepared in 1558 at the request of Pope Paul IV.

Q. What is meant by serial management?

Ans: In a general sense, serials management is meant every aspect of library work that touches serials such as collection development policy regarding serials, allocating funds, acquisitions, cataloging, classification, and use of serials to provide user services, all these activities fall within the scope of serials management.

Q. Define serials in Library?

Ans: Defining serials is not an easy job. Each librarian may give a different definition. However, the following are being accepted as standard definitions among library experts:

  1. A publication is issued in successive parts, usually at regular intervals, and, as a rule, intended to be continued indefinitely. Serials include periodicals, annuals (reports, yearbooks, etc.), and memoirs, proceedings, and transactions of societies (The ALA Glossary of Library and Information Science).
  2. A publication in any medium issued m successive parts bearing numeric or chronological designations and intended to continue indefinitely. Serials include periodicals; newspapers,
    annuals (reports, yearbooks, etc.), the journals, memoirs; proceedings, transactions, etc. of societies, and numbered monographic societies” (AACR2).

Q. Describe the importance of serials?

Serials, regardless of their format, are current sources of ·information for people. Owing to the importance of serials, libraries try to maintain as large a collection of serials.

Q. Describe the various types of serials? 

Types of serials are:

  1. Periodicals and newspapers
  2. Continuations
  3. Monographic series
  4. supplements and special issues
  5. Pseudo serials
  6. Government document serials

Q. What are the important characteristics” of a periodical?

  1. A distinctive title.
  2. The appearance of state regular intervals in successive parts.
  3. Usually not bound.

Q. Is classification and cataloging of Are serials in libraries necessary?

Some libraries treat serials, periodicals/newspapers, etc. differently than monographs and do not fully classify and catalog them. The reasoning is. that such materials are accessed through periodical and newspaper indexes. Therefore, representing them m the library/catalogs is not necessary.

Q. How are the serials arranged in libraries?

The arrangement of serials/periodicals varies from library to library. Classified titles may be inters helved in other library materials or shelved in a separate location. Unclassified titles may be arranged by the main title. Current issues may be shelved with completed volumes separately in a current periodical room:

Q. Explain the periodical?

Ans: A periodical is a serial published more than once a year with regular frequency such as daily, weekly, monthly, quarterly, semiannually, etc. All journals and magazines are periodicals. Periodicals are the most popular type of serials because they contain collections of articles written by different authors.

Q. What is the difference between a newspaper and a periodical?

Ans: Newspapers are periodicals because their publication pattern fits the description of periodicals.

Q. What do you know about the journal impact factor?

Ans: Journal Impact Factor is from the Journal Citation Report (JCR), a product of Thomson ISI (Institute for Scientific Information) in the USA. JCR provides quantitative tools for evaluating journals. The impact factor is one of these. In a general sense, it is a measure of the frequency with which the average article in a journal has been cited in a given period of time.

Q. How impact factor for a journal is calculated?

Ans: The impact factor for a journal is calculated based on a three-year period, and can be considered to be the average number of times published papers are cited up to two years after publication.

Q. What kind of services does ISI (Institute for Scientific Information) provide in the field of research?

Ans: ISI (Institute for Scientific Information) offers bibliographic database services. It maintains citation databases covering thousands of academic journals, including a continuation . of its longtime print-based indexing service the Science, citation Index ·(SCI), as well as the Social Sciences Citation Index (SSCI), and the Arts and Humanities Citation Index (AHCI).

All of these are available via ISI’s Web of Knowledge database service. This database allows a researcher to identify which articles have been cited most frequently, and who has cited them. A list of over 14,000 journals is maintained by the ISI.

Q. What is meant by continuations?

Ans: Non-periodical serials called continuations, such as yearbooks, etc. Frequency is more important in categorizing types o serials. If a general publication pattern is more frequent than once a year they may be handled as periodical otherwise they are cane continuations.

Q. Define monographic series?

Ans: According to the AACR2R Gloss monographic scenes are a group of separate items related to one another by the fact that each item bears, 1 addition to its own. title proper collective title applying to the group as a whole. The individual items may or may not be numbered.

Q. What is the full expansion of ISDS?

Ans: International Serials Data System (ISDS), is a computer-based da bank having complete control over world periodical publications.

Q. What are supplements and special issues?

Ans: Supplements and Special Issues related to serials. They are published to celebrate some special occasions to highlight important current events.

Q. Explain “Pseudo serials”?

Ans: Some monographic publications are treated as serials in libraries in terms of acquisitions and technical processing practice. These are those publications that publish in the shape of books. Contents of such books are regularly updated. Updating is done annually biennially, and quarterly. Monographs with these publication patterns are called “Pseudo Serials.

Q. Describe a peer-reviewed journal?

Ans: A peer-reviewed journal is one in which. the process to determine if an article will be accepted for publication is done by professional colleagues. Sometimes these periodicals are also called scholarly journals or academic journals.

Q. Describe government document serials?

Ans: Those publications that are published by different government agencies at the international, national, federal, municipal, and local, levels are referred to as government document serials.

Q. Name some more-common changes related to serial publications?

They are:

  1. Title Changes: Title changes related to serial publications are a common phenomenon and such unnecessary title changes are not welcome because title change means extra work for the library and that requires major changes to all serial, records related to this title.
  2. Frequency Changes: Frequency changes are also common in terms of serials. A monthly can be changed into quarterly or vice versa. Sometimes a serial can be suspended temporarily. Such changes create problems for the serials management departments of libraries.
  3. Other Changes: Other changes include changes in the size of periodicals, changes in publishers, editors, content, etc. The result of such changes definitely affects the routine work of the serial management department of libraries.

Q. Name the different formats of serials publications?

Ans: Serials can be found in any format such as paper, CD-ROM” microform, and electronic publishing format.

Q. Define a journal?

Ans: General dictionaries define a journal as “a periodical publication especially dealing with matters of current interest often used for official or semiofficial publications of special groups”.

Q.What is the difference between an electronic journal and a full-text journal?

Ans: Electronic journals are publications that exist only in an electronic format, whereas full-text identifies the availability of the text of paper-based journals in an electronic format.

Q. Define pamphlet?

Ans: An independent publication consisting of a few leaves of printed matter stitched together but not bound is called a pamphlet.

Q. What is meant by electronic publishing?

Ans: It is rather difficult to define electronic publishing accurately because the field is rapidly changing. However, in a general sense, e-publishing is the process of creating messages, distributing them, and reproducing them entirely ·online, often with a capability for feedback. Unlike desktop publishing, electronic publishing does not usually generate hardcopy.

Q. Define an electronic journal?

Ans: Electronic journals are a fast-developing feature of electronic publishing. The definition of the electronic journal is vague because the term is used with various meanings.

Broadly speaking electronic serials/journals is meant any journal, magazine, e-zine, webzine, newsletter, or type of electronic serial publication which is available over the Internet.

Q. What does the abbreviation e-Zine stand for?

Ans: Electronic magazine, a periodical publication that is stored on a file server and that may be distributed or accessed via a ‘computer network.

Q. What is meant by webzine? 

Ans: A magazine that is distributed online over a computer network rather than being printed on paper.

Q. Define a biannual?

Ans: This refers to a publication issued twice a year.

Q. Define biennial? 

Ans: This refers to a serial publication issued every two years.

Q. Define annual?

Ans: A publication issued once a year is called an annual, such as annual reports, annual reviews, etc.

Q. What kind of publication is called semiannual?

Ans: A publication issued at intervals of six months is called semi-annual. Semiannual usually refers to a serial publication issued every six months.

Q. What is a triennial? 

Ans: A publication issued every three years is termed a triennial. Usually used for a serial publication issued every three years.

Q. For what kind of publication does the term quadrennial use?

Ans: Quadrennial is used for those publications that are issued every four years.

Q. What is a quinquennial? 

Ans: A publication issued after every five years is called quinquennial.

Q. Explain a sexennial?

Ans: A publication issued at intervals of six years, is called a sexennial.

Q. After how many years septennial publication been issued?

Ans: Publication issued at intervals of seven years is called septennial.

Q. Define a decennial?

A publication issued every ten years, such as census reports, etc. is called a decennial.

Q. What do you understand by serial cancellation?

Ans: Notice is served to a publisher or subscription agent that the library no longer wishes to subscribe to a particular serial for any reason. This is called serial cancellation.

Q. What is called serialized?

A work published in installments, usually at regular intervals is called serializing.

Q. What does ISSN stand for?

Ans: International Standard Serial Number (ISSN). It is used to identify both print and electronic periodical publications and consists of eight-digit numbers.

Q. What is the difference·between ISSN and ISBN?

ISSN and ISBN (International Standard Book Number) codes are similar in concept, where ISBNs are assigned to individual books. An ISBN might be assigned for particular issues of a periodical, in addition to the ISSN code for the periodical as a whole.

Q. Who allots ISSN?

Ans: ISSN International Centre is based in London, established in 1974. The International Centre contains a database of all ISSNs assigned worldwide.

Q. How are ISSNs obtained?

Ans: ISSN can be had in advance of publication by (filing the application form available on the ISSN website and sending it online or printing it out and faxing/posted to ISSN International Centre, London.

Q. Is there any ISSN assigning agency in Pakistan? 

Ans: There is no such agency in Pakistan. However, the Department of libraries, National Library of Pakistan, Islamabad assigns ISBNs to local publications.

Q. What criteria does the HEC, Islamabad set for recognition of an international science journal?

Ans: The criteria:

  1. The journal should be regularly published.
  2. The journal should have an impact factor.
  3. It should be “Peer Reviewed”.
  4. 4. It should be abstracted/indexed internationally.
  5. 5. The journal published in any language other than English should publish the abstract of each paper in English.
  6. Reference should be provided according to the international standard as per the policy of the journal.
  7. It should have a diverse editorial advisory board.

Q. Define Library Science?

Ans: The professional knowledge and skills with which recorded information is selected, acquired, organized, stored, maintained, retrieved, and disseminated to meet the needs of a specific clientele, usually taught at a professional library school qualified to grant the postgraduate degree of M.L.S. or M.LLS. (Online Dictionary of Library and Information Science).

Q. What is information?

Ans: An assemblage of data incomprehensible form capable of communication. This may range from Content in any format written or printed on paper, stored in electronic databases, collected on the Internet, etc. to the personal knowledge of the staff of an organization” (Harrod’s Librarians’ Glossary and Reference Book).

In simple words, information is the knowledge that resides in the human brain, in all electronic and written records, and potentially, m physical artifacts.

Q. Define Information Science?

The systematic study and analysis of the sources, and development. collection, organization, dissemination, evaluation, use, and management of information in all its forms, including the channels (formal and informal) and technology used in its communication (Online Dictionary of Library and Information Sciences).

Q. Explain Information Science in simple words?

Ans: The science that is concerned with the gathering, manipulation, classification, storage, and retrieval of recorded knowledge. Information Science is the scientific study of that information: how it is created, transmitted, encoded, transformed, measured, used, and valued.

Information science brings together ideas and technologies from many other disciplines such as social sciences, computer science, linguistics, management, etc.

Q. What would be the shortest definition of library education?

Ans: The principles, practices, or study of library administration are called library education.

Q. When was the first library training course started in the Sub-continent?

Ans: The first library-training course was held in Lahore in 1915 and it was also the first library training in Asia. Such training did not exist at all in any British university at that time.

Q. Name the library expert who started the first training course m pre-partition India?

Ans: Asa Don Dickinson, an American Librarian and a student of Melvil Dewey from New York, who on the invitation. of the Punjab University, came to Lahore, in 1915 and started a certificate course in library science. It was a post-graduate four-month certificate daytime course but undergraduate working lib was also allowed to participate m it.

The participants were 30 in number. The course continued only for two years and was suspended with the departure of Dickinson. However, it was revived in 1918 and was converted into a postgraduate course in 1928. After the partition, the program again remained suspended until 1950. Later on, this program was raised to a Diploma level in 1959.

Q. Where was the second library training course started in British India?

Ans: Ranganathan and K.M. Asadullah started the second library training course at the University of Madras in · 1931. The course was similar to that of Asa Don Dickinson started at the Punjab University, Lahore.

Q. Who introduced the modern methods of librarianship first time in British India?

Ans: Before Asa Don Dickinson, there was no concept of modem methods of librarianship in this region. It was Mr. Dickinson, who for the first time introduced the DDC, cataloging rules, subject headings, and dictionary card catalog. Newark charging system and taught the participants of this course at the Punjab University Lahore.

Q. Name the book that Asa Don Dickinson wrote on Library Science during his stay at the University of Punjab?

Ans: Asa Don Dickinson wrote “The Punjab library Primer” in 1916, which is considered the first book on Library Science written by a professional librarian and a teacher in this region.

Q. What do you know about L.C. Key’s report?

Ans: The Government of Pakistan commissioned a team of foreign experts to prepare development plans for the public library services in the country. In this connection, L.C. Key, an Australian library expert visited Pakistan in 1955 under the auspices of the Colombo Plan. He submitted his report to the government in 1956.

The report recommended establishing one National Library, two provincial libraries, and six Qjty libraries in the country but this report did not result in any improvement in the situation. The report also recommended introducing two full-time post-graduate diploma courses or degree courses in Library Science at the Universities of the Punjab, Lahore, and Dacca.

Q. Name the university that managed to start Diploma Course in Library Science for the first time in Pakistan?

Ans: the University of Karachi has the privilege to start the first ever Postgraduate Diploma in Library and Information Science in the country in 1956 Master’s Degree program in the subject was offered in 1962, M. Phil. Program in 1985 and Ph.D. 1987.

Q. When did Peshawar University start its Diploma Programme in Library Science?

Ans: The Department of Library and ·Information Science, University of Peshawar started the Postgraduate Diploma course, (DLS now BLISc.) with its establishment in 1962 and the Master Degree Programme in the subject in 1983-84.

Q. When was Postgraduate Diploma in Library and Information Science started at the Punjab University, Lahore? 

Ans: Postgraduate Diploma m Library Science at Punjab University, in 1959 and Master of Arts in 1974.

Q. When did Sindh University start Diploma Program in Library Science?

Ans: Department of Library and Information Science University of Sind was established in the year 1911 The Department offered a Diploma in Library and Information Science in the same .year. M.A. Library and Information Science started in 1974 and M.Phil. Programme in 1983. The University also offers a Ph.D. programme in the subject.

Q. When did Postgraduate Diploma in Library and Information Science start at Balochistan University? 

Ans: A full-fledged Department of Library and Information Science was established in Baluchistan University Quetta during the year 1980-81. The University started a Diploma in the subject in the same year as Masters’s programme in 1985.

Q. When was Library and Information Science Department established at Allama Iqbal Open University, Islamabad?

Ans: Library Science Department in Allama Iqbal Open University was established in the year 1985 for the education of Library and Information Sciences (US). M.A. Library and Information Science started here in the spring of 2001.

There is no postgraduate Diploma/BUS programme m the subject like other universities in the country. However, some subjects of Library Science are being taught here as optional subjects at the graduation level and are called BUS. A certificate in Librarianship is also being offered at this university.

Q. Are there other institutes m the country, which offer undergraduate programmes courses in Library Science?

Ans: Library Associations and private institutions in Pakistan have also introduced, a number of undergraduate programmes in the nonuniversity setting m the country. These courses have definitely been useful for the library supporting staff. Library science as an optional subject is also being taught at an intermediate level.

Q. How many colleges in Pakistan teach Library Science subjects at an intermediate level?

Ans: The subject of Library Science at Intermediate and Bachelor levels has been introduced m Pakistan. More than 60 colleges throughout Pakistan are teaching the subject.

Q. As a librarian, do you think that courses offered m Library and Information Science by Pakistani universities are in accordance with the needs of the time?

Ans: Although library schools in the country have attempted to modernize the courses by incorporating concepts of information science, the syllabi need overhauling. New trends in librarianship, basic and advanced computer courses should also be included for better results.

It is encouraging to note that almost all Library Science Schools m the country have established their own labs on campus to provide students with hands-on experience in learning basic IT skins. The Schools have also managed to access to Internet resources for faculty, students, and researchers. HEC digital library provides free full-text access to numerous databases.

Q. What is the present situation of in-service training for librarians in the country?

Ans: In-service training is very important for newly appointed librarians to be acquainted with the profession. However, the provision of in-service training and refresher courses for librarians almost does not exist in the country.

However, it is worth mentioning here that recently, a fullfledged Human Resource Development Centre for library professionals has been established at the National Library of Pakistan, Islamabad. Although the Centre is in its initial stage yet it is hoped that it would provide excellent in-service training facilities for library professionals in the coming days in the country.

Q. Pakistan Library and Information Science Journal (PUSJ) is published in which city of Pakistan? 

Ans: Pakistan Library & Information Science Journal (PUSJ), known as Pakistan Library Bulletin (PLB) till 2003, has been published in Karachi since 1966. It is a regular quarterly publication. Dr. G. A. Sabzwaril is its founding chief editor and he is still performing responsibility.

Q. Name the organization that has published the maximum number of books on Library Science and library literature in Pakistan?

Ans: Library Promotion Bureau Karachi, established in 1966 and has published maximum library literature.

Q. Who wrote “Hawalajate Khidmat” a book on Library Science?

Ans: Dr. Nasim Fatima and Raees Ahmad Samdani.

Q. Who produced the monthly journal ‘The Library World’ and when?

Ans: J.D. Brown in 1898.

Q. Name the Library Science periodical published by the University of Chicago?

Ans: Library Quarterly

Q. When was Asa Don Dickinson born? 

Ans: Asa Don Dickinson was born in New York in 1876 and died in 1960.

Q. Name the Institution in British India where the .first regular training course in librarianship was started? 

Ans: The Punjab University, Lahore was the first university in the world outside the United States that introduced regular training courses in librarianship in 1915.

Q. Who is called the founding father of modem librarianship in British India?

Ans: Asa Don Dickinson.

Q. How was the profession of librarianship started in the world? 

Ans: It is believed that librarianship, as a profession came into being because of the missionary movement of Christian Churches in the United States.

Q. Who wrote Avis Pour dresser une bibliotheque?

Ans: It was an early book about libraries, written by Gabriel Naude, and published in 1627.

Q. When was the first conference of librarians held?

Ans: It took place in New York in 1853.

Q. When was the full-time library training course started in Great Britain in a non-university setting?

Ans: London, 1885.

Q. When did London University start its first full-time Diploma Course in Librarianship and Archives?

Ans: It was started in 1919.

Q. When and where was the first All India Conference of Librarians held?

Ans: It was held at Lahore, from 4-8 January 1918. This conference was convened by the Government of India.

Q. Who started India’s first Degree  Course in Library Science? 

Ans: S.R. Ranganathan, at Delhi University in 1947.

Q. Name the first Pakistani Librarian who received a BLS degree from McGill University, Canada?

Ans: Abdur Rahim Khan, Librarian Punjab University, Lahore who received BLS Degree in 1954.

So, these are the important questions that were asked in an interview for library-related jobs. Many of these questions are very important to understand before appearing in the interview. These questions are also helpful in preparing for the library exams as well.

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