Library Science MCQs: Research & Statistical Methods – Quiz-3

LIS MCQs for Research & Statistical Methods. Here you will find the Library Science MCQs about Research & Statistical Methods. This is Quiz-3 of the Research & Statistical Methods MCQ series. If you are a student of Library and Information Management Sciences (LIMS) then these MCQs of Library Research & Statistical Methods are very important for you. In these MCQs, the Library Research & Statistical Methods are discussed.

The Research and Statistical Methods are discussed in multiple choice question and answer (MCQs).

LIS MCQs about Research & Statistical Methods

Find below the MCQs of Library Research & Statistical Methods:

101. “Lottery Method” is one of the methods employed in:
A. Representative sampling
B. Random sampling
C. Stratified sampling
D. Structured sampling
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102. The whole group from which the units of the sample are selected is called:
A. Group
B. Bundle
C. Population
D. Universe
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103. A person who conducts public opinion is known as:
A. Pollster
B. Enumerator
C. Curator
D. Election Officer
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104. A well-planned, conceived, and carefully prepared outline of an investigative study is known as:
A. Research plan
B. Research map
C. Research design
D. Research outline
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105. A study preceding the main study to check the viability is known as:
A. Main study
B. Pilot study
C. Auxiliary study
D. Photo study
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106. Numerical Values assigned to preceded replies is known as:
A. Scaling
B. Measuring
C. Rating
D. Counting
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107. Delphi design is basically a survey:
A. Method
B. Design
C. Plan
D. Technique
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108. A changeable element in phenomena is known as:
A. Universe
B. Element
C. Variable
D. Characteristic
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109. The exploratory formulation uses one of the following methods for research:
A. Personal documents
B. Diaries
C. Letters
D. Case study
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110. The descriptive formulation uses one of the following techniques for research:
A. Interview
B. Experimentation
C. Literature survey
D. Case study
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111. The following methods are employed for the collection of data in the diagnostic study:
A. Interview
B. Questionnaire
C. Clinical observation
D. Case study
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112. The use of experimental formulation is a hallmark of research in the:
A. Humanities
B. Social sciences
C. Physical sciences
D. Arts
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113. Panel Study is employed in which of the following formulations:
A. Experimental
B. Diagnostic
C. Descriptive
D. Exploratory
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114. Systematic Analysis and description. of contents of media is known as:
A. Subject
B. Content Analysis
C. Thought Analysis
D. Matter Analysis
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115. Geometric figure to indicate each person and connecting lines and arrows is known as:
A. Ideogram
B. Sociogram
C. Monogram
D. Hologram
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116. Measurement of interrelations amongst individuals and institutional behavior is known as:
A. Bibliometry
B. Scientiometry
C. Econometry
D. Sociometry
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117. The statistical method of research lays stress on:
A. Figures
B. Data
C. Events
D. Occurrences
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118. Constructive typology deals with longitudinal:
A. Branches
B. Series
C. Sections
D. Dimensions
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119. Who has coined the phrase library?
A. S.C. Bradford
B. S.R. Ranganathan
C. C.H. Busha
D. I.S. Simpson
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120. The projective technique is an indirect method of data:
A. Analysis
B. Collection
C. Interpretation
D. Summarization
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121. The statistical study is a method that is rather:
A. Qualitative
B. Aggregative
C. Quantitative
D. Massive
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122. The act of making a book, speech, report, etc. in a short form is:
A. Abridgement
B. Abstract
C. Summary
D. Condensation
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123. Collecting information about an individual, family or group is known as:
A. Community
B. Personal study
C. Case study
D. Society study
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124. The case Study method is primarily concerned with:
A. Qualitative analysis
B. Quantitative analysis
C. Character analysis
D. Situation analysis
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125. Performance measurement Is one of the types of:
A. Historical research
B. Evaluation research
C. Case study
D. Survey measurement
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126. The person who identified different approaches to evaluation research is:
A. David King
B. R.R. Powell
C. P.V. young
D. F. W. Lancaster
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127. An oral or written statement is known as:
A. Evidence
B. Testimony
C. Witness
D. Proof
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128. The author of “The Art of Scientific Investigation” is:
A. Austin
B. Beverage
C. Goode
D. Edwards
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129. A pictorial representation of the sequence of steps of computation for a problem is known as:
A. Flowchart
B. Assignment
C. Branching
D. Programming
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130. The author of “Methods of Social Research” is:
A. Franklin & Osborn
B. Campbell and Stanley
C. Good and Hatt
D. McCall and Simmons
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131. ‘Law of Scattering’ was first propounded by:
A. S.C. Bradford
B. J.H. Shera
C. A. Gilchrist
D. Paul Otlet
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132. The host institution for National Centre for Bibliometrics (NCB) is:
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133. The application of statistical techniques to economic theories is known as:
A. Bibliometrics
B. Econometrics
C. Psychometrics
D. Sociometries
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134. An assumption or proposition whose validity is to be tested is known as:
A. Hypothesis
B. Rule
C. Principle
D. Canon
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135. The most frequent observation in the series is known as:
A. Range
B. Mode
C. Variance
D. Median
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136. The middlemost observation in the series is:
A. Mean
B. Mode
C. Median
D. Range
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137. Regression Analysis is statistical:
A. Method
B. Technique
C. Tool
D. Process
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138. A variable not influenced by another variable in the equation is known as:
A. Dependent
B. Independent
C. Neutral
D. Subordinate
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139. A variable which response to changes in the independent variable is known as:
A. Independent
B. Neutral
C. Dependent
D. Free
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140. Bar Charts and Pie Charts are examples of data:
A. Expression
B. Presentation
C. Reduction
D. Compression
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141. In the form of a table, chart, and graph, data can be presented:
A. Pictorially
B. Graphically
C. Stigmatically
D. Numerically
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142. The inference is a conclusion based on:
A. Imagination
B. Reflection
C. Observation
D. Reasoning
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143. The end part of the research report includes:
A. Table of contents
B. List of tables
C. Glossary
D. Introduction
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144. The preliminaries in the research report include:
A. Bibliography
B. Introduction
C. Glossary
D. Appendices
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145. A style manual provides guidance on how to prepare a:
A. Text
B. Bibliography
C. List of reference
D. Appendices
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146. A printed scholarly study of one theme or subject is known as:
A. Dissertation
B. Thesis
C. Report
D. Monograph
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147. Verifiability is one of the important elements components of:
A. Scientific method
B. Social method
C. Historical method
D. Humanistic method
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148. The investigation of the underlying process operative in the lives of persons who are in the association is known as:
A. Human research
B. Scientific research
C. Social Research
D. Group research
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149. The research which aims at providing workable solutions to a given problem by direction is known as:
A. Applied research
B. Empirical research
C. Pure research
D. Action research
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150. A plan of study in which a researcher makes and undertakes the work is known as:
A. Research design
B. Research problem
C. Research effort
D. Research formulation
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So, these are the MCQs 101-150 for Library Research & Statistical Methods.

MCQs of Library Research & Statistical Methods

Quiz-01, Quiz-04,

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