Library Science MCQs: Research & Statistical Methods – Quiz-1

LIS MCQs for Research & Statistical Methods. Here you will find the Library Science MCQs about Research & Statistical Methods. This is Quiz-1 of the Research & Statistical Methods MCQ series. If you are a student of Library and Information Management Sciences (LIMS) then these MCQs of Library Research & Statistical Methods are very important for you. In these MCQs, the Library Research & Statistical Methods are discussed.

The Research and Statistical Methods are discussed in multiple choice question and answer (MCQs).

LIS MCQs about Research & Statistical Methods

Find below the MCQs of Library Research & Statistical Methods:

1. In a research article or report to refer to an immediate preceding reference, which of the following is used:
A. Op. cit.
B. Ibid
C. Loc. Cit.
D. As above
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2. References and additional bibliography are important items in:
A. Pursuing research
B. Identifying a research problem
C. Analysis of data
D. Writing a research report
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3. For conducting bibliographical research, the most important sources of information is:
A. Primary
B. Secondary
C. Tertiary
D. None of these
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4. Who is the following adopt the elementary type of case study?
A. Anthropologist
B. Psychiatrist
C. Historian
D. Economist
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5. To study the behavior of the child which one of the following methods is adopted by the researcher?
A. Survey
B. Observational
C. Case Study
D. Experimental
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6. In which of the following clinical and biographical types of studies are carried out:
A. Case Study
B. Historical
C. Development Works
D. Observation
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7. Which of the following is not a type of research?
A. Survey
B. Content Analysis
C. Applied
D. Historical
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8. Prolegomena to library classification by Ranganathan is an example of:
A. Applied research
B. Historical research
C. Experimental research
D. Pure research
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9. The research which gives the same result every place is known as:
A. Priori
B. Fundamental
C. Empirical
D. Basic
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10. Which of the following is the “odd” one in the group?
A. Applied
B. Historical
C. Pure
D. Survival
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11. In the following which one is not a characteristic of good research?
A. Never changing
B. Systematic
C. Rigorous
D. Continuous
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12. Which of the following interprets known facts in the new light?
A. Data interpreter
B. Scientific method
C. Research
D. Hypothesis
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13. Ranganathan propounded basic laws of library science based on:
A. Survey Research
B. Applied Research
C. Observation Research
D. Fundamental Research
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14. Current Research in Library and Information Science (CRLIS) is being published by:
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15. The questions whose answers are already quoted to be chosen is called:
A. Closed-ended
B. Open-ended
C. Pre coded
D. Post coded
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16. Questionnaire method is a tool for:
A. Interpretation of data
B. Collection of data
C. Analysis of data
D. Measuring data
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17. For the development of US research Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI) was established in 1965 in:
B. Pakistan
C. Australia
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18. Identify the right sequence:
A. Theory, Law, Hypothesis, Axiom
B. Axiom, Hypothesis, Law, Theory
C. Law, Hypothesis, Theory, Axiom
D. None of these
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19. Who has identified fifteen steps for creditable research?
A. W.C. Schlutor
B. W.S. Monroe
C. F.L. Whitney
D. C. V. Good
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20. In which type of research hypothesis is occasionally used:
A. Applied
B. Experimental
C. Historical
D. Observational
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21. If the size of the Sample is very small which sampling methods give better results:
A. Purposive
B. Stratified
C. Random
D. Census
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22. To study the literacy rate in A.P which Sampling method is most suitable:
A. Mixed
B. Random
C. Census
D. Stratified
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23. To study a vast population in a metropolitan and to study a particular phenomenon which sampling methods is most suitable:
A. Census
B. Systematic
C. Stratified
D. Purposive
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24. To select a certain number of students from a whole class to study a particular phenomenon is known as:
A. Random sampling
B. Purposive sampling
C. Stratified sampling
D. Select sampling
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25. To refer to an earlier but not an immediately preceding reference which of the following is used:
A. Ibid
B. Loc. cit.
C. Op. Cit.
D. Referred to above
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26. In an empirical study of the impact of closed access on the user community the type of variable ‘closed access’ is:
A. Independent
B. Dependent
C. Supportive
D. Intervening
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27. If a questionnaire is sent to every tenth member of the list it is known as:
A. Stratified sampling
B. Random Sampling
C. Partial sampling
D. Free sampling
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28. ‘Open ended’ questions m a questionnaire open for:
A. Discussion
B. Conclusion
C. Interpretation
D. Filling up answers
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29. Research in LIS made a formal beginning in the USA in 1923 after the publication of:
A. Melvil Dewey Report
B. J. Cotton Dana Report
C. Williamson Report
D. L. Comovesky Report
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30. Through which type of research fundamental laws can be formulated:
A. Applied research
B. Developmental research
C. Pure research
D. Basic research
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31. The laws of ‘Statistical regularity’ and ‘inertia’ are related to:
A. Laws of osmosis
B. Laws of sampling
C. Laws of scattering
D. Laws of symmetry
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32. In research hypothesis is:
A. Conclusion
B. Finding
C. Tentative assumption
D. Result
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33. In which of the following methods of research, observation is not used:
A. Case study
B. Historical
C. Experimental
D. Survey
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34. Observation method is used to collect:
A. Data
B. Information
C. Knowledge
D. Wisdom
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35. To find· out solutions to problems faced by society the research carried out is known as:
A. Fundamental
B. Quantitative
C. Applied
D. A priory
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36. In the research endeavor Interview is used as a:
A. Tool
B. Method
C. Technique
D. Process
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37. Which of the following is a research tool?
A. Chart
B. Questionnaire
C. Graph
D. Table
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38. Eugene Garfield is primarily associated with:
A. Coordinate Indexing
C. Citation Indexing
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39. F.W. Lancaster is primarily associated with:
A. Citation analysis
B. Documentation
C. Information services
D. Information retrieval
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40. Canfield research project is a/an:
A. Survey research
B. Historical research
C. Experimental research
D. Observation research
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41. The person who conducted the Canfield research study. is:
A. B.C. Vickery
B. D.W. Langridge
C. B.F. Kyle
D. C.W. Cleverdon
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42. Canfield research studies and carried out to study:
A. Catalogue
B. Classification
C. Indexing
D. Abstracting
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43. Causal relationship between variables is identified in which type of research:
A. Historical
B. Experimental
C. Survey
D. Case study
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44. Experimental research 1s generally oriented towards:
A. Past
B. Present
C. Future
D. Past and present
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45. In the Historical method of research data is collected primarily from:
A. Tertiary resources
B. Questionnaire
C. Primary and secondary sources
D. Case studies
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46. Which method of research is suitable to study a large population scattered geographically:
A. Observation
B. Experimental
C. Historical
D. Survey
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47. Which of the following is oriented toward present research?
A. Observation research
B. Experimental research
C. Survey research
D. Case study research
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48. DISISS stands for:
A. Demographic Information System and Service
B. Design of Information Service in Social Sciences
C. Depth Information Service m Sciences
D. Distributed Information System in Social Studies
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49. INFROSS is an example of:
A. Cast study method
B. Observation research
C. Survey research
D. Experimentation
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50. Historical method of research is related to the study of:
A. Past
B. Future
C. Present
D. All times
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So, these are the MCQs 01-50 for Library Research & Statistical Methods.

MCQs of Library Research & Statistical Methods


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