Library Science MCQs of Research Methodology (Quiz-7)

This is Library Science MCQs of Research Methodology quiz-7. Here you’ll find Library Science MCQs about Research Methodology. If you are a student of Library and Information Management Sciences (LIMS) then these MCQs about Research Methodology are very important for you.

In these MCQs, the research methodology about Library is discussed in questions and answers. So by understanding these questions and answers about research methodology in Library Science, you can easily cover your next coming examination.

LIS MCQs About Research Methodology

The following are the MCQs of Library Science is about Research Methodology in Library Science:

1. What is research?

A. A method to obtain the solution to the problem
B. A descriptive method to obtain a solution to the problem
C. A systematic method to obtain the solution to the problem
D. tentative solution of the problem
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2. Research is an effort?

A. To discover knowledge
B. To discover and develop knowledge
C. To discover, develop and verify knowledge
D. To verify the knowledge
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3. Research is meant for which of the following?

A. Searching facts
B. Searching data
C. Searching facts and their meaning
D. Searching nothing
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4. Which type of process research is?

A. Mechanical
B. Semi-mechanical
C. Mental
D. Intellectual
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5. Research Is a creative work undertaken in order to increase the stock of:

A. Data
B. Information & knowledge
C. Information
D. Knowledge
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6. Why research is done?

A. To make data a fact
B. To make data a universal fact
C. To show their research
D. In the interest of the researcher
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7. What is the purpose of research?

A. To discover an answer
B. To discover an answer to a question
C. To discover nothing
D. To discover answer to question through scientific procedures
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8. Why research is done? What is the aim of the research?

A. To discover laws
B. To discover laws and theories
C. To discover rules of research
D. To discover laws, theories, and principles
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9. Solo Research is done by whom out of the following:

A. By an institution
B. By a person
C. By a team
D. By two persons
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10. The characteristic of modem research is:

A. Team oriented
B. Object-oriented
C. interdisciplinary
D. All of these
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11. What are the two broad categories of research?

A. Primary and secondary
B. Basic and applied
C. Pure and applied
D. Historical and experimental
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12. What is basic research?

A. Search for broad principles without objectives
B. Search for a solution
C. Search for new things
D. Search without nothing
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13. What type of research is the Discovery of Electricity?

A. Basic research
B. Applied research
C. Interdisciplinary
D. Conceptual research
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14. What type of research is the Five Laws of Library Science of Ranganathan?

A. Basic research
B. Applied research
C. Interdisciplinary
D. None of these
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15. Basic research is also known as?

A. Pure research
B. Applied research
C. Interdisciplinary
D. None of these
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16. A Priori research has been divided into the following categories?

A. Pure and impure
B. Pure and applied
C. Observational and empirical
D. None of these
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17. Research carried out to find a solution for an immediate problem is known as?

A. Pure research
B. Applied research
C. Fundamental research
D. Conceptual research
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18. Pure Research is an investigation conducted by:

A. An individual
B. An organization
C. A group of persons
D. Two persons
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19. Pure Research provides a ground for

A. Applied research
B. Fundamental research
C. Oriented research
D. Survey research
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20. The research on a particular problem with some aim is called?

A. Basic research
B. Fundamental research
C. Pure research
D. Applied research
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21. Which type of research is being done nowadays?

A. Basic research
B. Applied research
C. Pure research
D. Fundamental research
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22. What is meant by applied research?

A. To apply performance of research in the use
B. To develop theories
C. To develop modules
D. None of these
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23. Which type of research is the Chain Procedure of Ranganathan?

A. Basic research ·
B. Applied research
C. Pure research
D. Fundamental research
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24. Which type of research m Edition’s work on Bulbs?

A. Basic research ·
B. Applied research
C. Pure research
D. Fundamental research
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25. What are two types of logical methods of research?

A. Deductive and inductive
B. Applied and pure
C. Basic and fundamental
D. Experimental and description
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26. Which type of process deductive logic is?

A. Theory is tested
B. Theory is tested by principles
C. Theory is tested from known scientific principles
D. Theory is not tested
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27. Deductive research proceeds from:

A. General to particular
B. Particular to general
C. General to general
D. Particular to particular
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28. Which type of process inductive logic is?

A. Theory is developed by observing many individual examples
B. Theory is developed by observing so many examples
C. Theory of laws
D. Principles of investigations
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29. Inductive research proceeds from:

A. General to particular
B. Particular to general
C. Particular to particular
D. General to general
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30. What is called that research in which the tools of different sciences are used?
A. Inter-connected research
B. Inter-related research
C. Inter-disciplinary research
D. Inters subject research
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31. What is not correct about interdisciplinary research?

A. It is a technical approach to research
B. It is a cooperative and coordinated research
C. The demand for this type of research is increasing
D. The results obtained are subject-oriented
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32. What are the reasons for inter-disciplinary research?

A. Changed mode of research
B. Craze of specialization
C. Birth and overlapping of disciplines
D. All of these
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33. Interdisciplinary research is what?

A. It is subjective
B. It is objective
C. It is multidimensional
D. It is descriptive
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34. A plan of study in which a researcher makes and undertakes the work is known as:

A. Research problem
B. Research design
C. Research report
D. Research formulation
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35. What is the meaning of Research design?

A. Planning of research
B. Working on research
C. Tool of research
D. Process of research
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36. Research design gives the:

A. Procedure of research
B. Blueprint of research activity
C. Technique of research
D. Procedure for designing tools
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37. What should not be included in a research design of a study?

A. Findings
B. Hypothesis
C. Methodology
D. Scope
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38. The purpose of the Research Design is the:

A. Formulation of hypothesis
B. Gathering data
C. Identify objectives
D. Control variance in research
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39. In research design which is considered the most important component?

A. Observation
B. Formation of hypothesis
C. Case study
D. Review of literature
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40. Who is the enunciator of the scientific method?

A. Aristotle
B. August Compte
C. Francis Bacon
D. Herbert Spensor
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41. Who was the first exponent of the scientific method?

A. Aristotle
B. Bliss
C. Newton
D. Bacon
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42. Scientific method of research can be used:

A. Only in science
B. Only in social sciences
C. In all disciplines
D. Only in natural science
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43. Verifiability is one of the important elements of which method of research?

A. Scientific method
B. Social method
C. Historical method
D. Survey method
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44. The logical steps involved in the scientific investigation are:

A. Identification of the problem
B. Collection of data
C. Formulation of the hypothesis
D. All of these
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45. The Spiral of Scientific method studies is related to one of the following:

A. Trends of subject
B. Trends of research
C. Organization of the subject
D. None of these
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46. Who devised the spiral of the scientific method?

A. H.E. Bliss
B. Dewey
C. Ranganathan
D. Cutter
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47. The spiral of the scientific method signifies one of the following:

A. Steps and phrases in the scientific method
B. Formulation of hypothesis in the scientific method
C. Formulation of subjects
D. Formulation of knowledge
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48. What is the correct sequence of cardinal points on the spiral of the scientific method?

A. Ascendant, Descendant, Zenith, Nadir, Descendent
B. Descendent, Zenith, Ascendant, Nadir, Ascendant
C. Nadir, Ascendant, Zenith, Descendent, Nadir
D. None of these
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49. On the spiral of the scientific method, the cardinal points Descendant to Nadir contain:

A. Fundamental phase
B. Deductive phase
C. Verification phase
D. Hypothesis phase
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50. On the spiral of the scientific method, the cardinal points Ascendant to Zenith contain:

A. Empirical laws
B. Fundamental laws
C. Hypothesizing phase
D. Deductive phase
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MCQs of Research Methodology

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