Library Science MCQs of Research Methodology (Quiz-13)

This is Library Science MCQs of Research Methodology quiz-13. Here you’ll find Library Science MCQs about Research Methodology. If you are a student of Library and Information Management Sciences (LIMS) then these MCQs about Research Methodology are very important for you.

In these MCQs, the research methodology about Library is discussed in questions and answers. So by understanding these questions and answers about research methodology in Library Science, you can easily cover your next coming examination.

LIS MCQs About Research Methodology

The following are the MCQs of Library Science about Research Methodology in Library Science:

251. The Library Science Researchers have measurement data collection instruments in the library. When we rate readers, we make a judgment about their behavior or something they have produce, which is called:
A. Flowcharts
B. Performance checklists
C. Rating scales
D. Tally sheets
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252. A printed scholarly study of one theme or subject is known as:
A. Dissertation
B. Monograph
C. Thesis
D. Report
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253. The factor that should determine whether you decide to prepare a research report of your study for a conference or for publication:
A. Whether the study free from flaws
B. Whether the study is important enough to justify presentation or publication
C. Whether others would be interested in the work
D. All of the above
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254. Which of the following is not true about the use of language in research reports?
A. You should choose accurate and clear words that are free from bias
B. You should avoid labelling people whenever possible
C. You should avoid using the term “subjects” whenever possible
D. All of the above are true according to the AP A guideline
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255. Which of the following is not one of the seven major parts of the research report?
A. Abstract
B. Footnotes
C. Method
D. Results
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256. In this section you fully interpret and evaluate your results:
A. Introduction
B. Discussion
C. Method
D. Results
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257. A book providing basic knowledge of an exacting subject to the students in an easy language is known as:
A. Reference book
B. Monograph
C. Thesis
D. Textbook
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258. The researcher makes a plan of study and undertakes the work:
A. Research effort
B. Research design
C. Research problem
D. Research formulation
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259. A research technique for an objective, systematic and qualitative description of the manifest content is known as:
A. Content analysis
B. Subject analysis
C. Theme analysis
D. Thought analysis
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260. The purpose of data analysis is to condense a large volume of data into meaningful:
A. Conclusions
B. Recommendation
C. Values
D. Summary
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261. Mode is the value of the variable having a maximum:
A. Appearance
B. Frequency
C. Occurrence
D. Repetition
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262. The values of the variables which split the series into a number of parts are known as:
A. Measures
B. Quantities
C. Range
D. Series
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263. A set of values of a variable or characteristic arranged chronologically is known as:
A. Chronological series
B. Modified series
C. Time series
D. Unstructured series
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264. In the process of conducting research ‘Formulation of Hypothesis’ is followed by:
A. Statement of Objectives
B. Analysis of Data
C. Selection of Research Tools
D. Collection of Data
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265. The characteristic under the study of a population is called:
A. Attribute
B. Quality
C. Parameter
D. Sample
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266. The t-test is applied when observations are made from the same group at:
A. Big
B. Medium
C. Voluminous
D. Small
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267. An analyzing reference in a document is known as:
A. Reference analysis
B. Citation analysis
C. Document analysis
D. Bibliographic analysis
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268. A source for bibliometric study such as author book etc is known as:
A. Attribute
B. Characteristic
C. Element
D. Variable
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269. Observation is probably the oldest method used by man in:
A. Social investigation
B. Scientific investigation
C. Tech investigation
D. Community investigation
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270. The inquiries into printed tools of librarianship; books, journals, indexes, etc; are generally referred to as:
A.Library research
B. Bibliographical research
C. Book research
D. Documentary research
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271. SPSS software for statistical analysis is meant for:
A. Humanities
B. Management
C. Psychology
D. Social sciences
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272. The quantitative study of scientific developments -is known as:
A. Science study
B. Scientometrics
C. Science review
D. Sciencemetrics
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273. Research in LIS has made a formal beginning in the USA in 1923 after the publication of:
A. Melvil Dewey report
B. Williamson report
C. A.F. Riddley’s report
D. Sir Anthony Pannizzi report
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274. The first step on the academic research ladder will usually be a dissertation completed as part of:
A. Graduate degree
B. Master’s degree
C. M. Phill
D. Ph.D
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275. The academic researchers will usually be a thesis completed as part of:
A. Graduate degree
B. Master’s degree
C. Diploma
D. Ph.D
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276. Academicians on to a career as an academic and an expectation that they will continue to carry out research; means of disseminating the results will be through:
A. Degree
B. Career
C. Profession
D. Articles
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277. The Ph.D. researcher working in the social sciences will be expected to build on the work of:
A. Self
B. Group
C. Others
D. None of them
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278. The size and shape of the research project will be determined by the constraints of:
A. Money & time
B. Time & expertise
C. Cost & period
D. Money, time & expertise
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279. This kind of information is collected first-hand to answer specific, current research questions:
A. Primary data
B. Secondary data
C. Selective data
D. Relevant data
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280. One problem with primary data is:
A. Specificity
B. Relevance
C. Being up to date
D. Cost
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281. Information that has already been collected for other purposes is called:
A. Primary data
B. Principal data
C. Secondary data
D. Relevant data
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282. A subject bibliography designed to lead the user through the process of researching a topic in the most systematic and efficient step-by-step manner is known as:
A. Annotated bibliography
B. Pathfinder
C. Style manual
D. Webliography
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283. A brief note accompanying a list of citations that explains the scope and content of the work cited is:
A. Annotated
B. Bibliographic citation
C. Topical guide
D. Webliography
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284. Computer database searches can be done:
A. At the Library
B. With a computer with a CD-ROM drive
C. Online
D. All of the above
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285. The best source for locating research institutions worldwide is:
A.Research centers directory
B. Commonwealth universities yearbook
C. World of learning
D. International research center directory
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286. Which of the following is not an ethical guideline for conducting research with humans’?
A. Getting informed consent from the participant
B. Telling participants they must continue until the study has been completed
C. Keeping participants’ identities anonymous
D. Telling participants they are free to withdraw at any time
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287. Which of the three ethics approaches says research ethics should be a matter of the individual’s conscience?
A. Deontological approach
B. Ethical skepticism
C. Utilitarianism
D. Ontological skepticism
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288. The act of publishing the same data and results in more than one journal or publication refers to one of the following professional issues:
A. Deception publication
B. Duplicate publication
C. Full publication
D. Partial publication
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289. Which term refers to publishing several articles from the data collected in one large study?
A. Deception publication
B. Triplicate publication
C. Partial publication
D. None of these
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290. An ordinal scale is:
A. The simplest form of measurement
B. A rank-order scale of measurement
C. A scale with equal intervals between adjacent numbers
D. A scale with an absolute zero point
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291. Which of the following is the correct order of Stevens’ four levels of measurement?
A. Ordinal, nominal, ratio, interval
B. Nominal, ordinal, interval, ratio
C. Interval, nominal, ratio
D. Ratio, interval, nominal, ordinal
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292. Where does the word Research come from?
A. English
B. French
C. German
D. Persian
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293. Research that takes place within organizations as they try to overcome problems and improve their efficiency and effectiveness:
A. Action research
B. Applied research
C. Pure research
D. Empirical research
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294. Research can be carried out in a laboratory where it is relatively easy to control the environment:
A. Action research
B. Experimental research
C. Survey research
D. Case studies
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295. Involves integrating research into. a process of social development to monitor what happens and to evaluate the outcomes:
A. Action research
B. Applied research
C. Experimental research
D. Empirical research
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296. Research is used when it is necessary to develop a detailed understanding of what is happening in complex circumstances:
A. Survey research
B. Case studies
C. Experimental research
D. Operational research
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297. Which of the following is a form of research typically conducted by teachers, counselors, and other professionals to answer questions they have and to specifically help them solve local problems?
A.Action research
B. Orientation research
C. Predictive research
D. Empirical research
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298. What general type of research is focused on collecting information to help a researcher advance an ideological or political position?
A.Action research
B. Orientation research
C. Evaluation research
D. Basic research
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299. Research is any fact-gathering project that is conducted with an eye to acquiring and applying knowledge that will address a specific problem or meet a specific need within the scope of the entity:
A.Action research
B. Applied research
C. Pure research
D. Empirical research
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300. A group of modified survey procedures designed for use in refining judgmental data collected from a panel of selected experts:
A.Survey method
B. Delphi method
C. Case study method
D. Interview
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MCQs of Research Methodology

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