LLB Part 3 Environmental Law Past Papers 2007-2019

Environmental Laws are very important laws in any country. The paper of Environmental Laws in LL.B part 3 is an optional paper. The past papers of Environmental Laws are very crucial when some one is preparing for his or her next examination.  Check out the following year wise indexing to see the relevant past paper of LL.B part 3 Environmental Laws:

Content Indexing

Environmental Laws ANNUAL 2008
Environmental Laws ANNUAL 2011
Environmental Laws ANNUAL 2012
Environmental Laws ANNUAL 2013

LL.B Part 3 Environmental Laws Past Papers 2007 To Onward

Environmental Laws LL.B PART-III ANNUAL 2008 Paper-VI-VII

i) Attempt any FIVE questions. All questions carry equal marks.

Q.1. Define following terms:

a. Environment
b. Adverse Environmental effect
c. ECO System

Q.2. Illustrate the relationship between:

a. International Law,
b. Environment Law.

Q3. How can an aggrieved person approach to environmental Tribunal for an environmental issue? Give the procedure.

Q4. Explain comprehensively the evolution process of environmental laws in Pakistan.

Q5. Are you satisfied with the pace of advancement of environmental law in Pakistan? Support your answer with specific examples.

Q6. Write detailed note on the following:

a. Sustainable Development
b. Air pollution

Q7. What steps do you suggest should be taken for effective implementation of environmental laws in Pakistan?

Q8. What are the natural resources? Who own them?

Q9. What is the role of civil and criminal law for the protection of the environment?

Q10. Is environmental law just a soft law? Comments, .supported by logical arguments?

Environmental Laws LL.B PART-III ANNUAL 2011 Paper-VI-VII

Q1. Define following terms:

(a) adverse environmental effects
(b) environmental impact assessment
(c) hazardous waste

Q2. Describe functions of the Federal Environmental Protection Agency (Pak-EPA).

Q3. Describe “prohibition of certain discharges or emissions” provided under Section 11 of the Pakistan Environmental Protection Act, 1997.

Q4. Write a detailed note on “Environmental Protection Order (EPO)”.

Q5. Describe the climate change and global warming.

Q6. Suggest appropriate measures to control “Urban Air Pollution”?

Q7. Write a detailed note on the natural resources and doctrine of public mist. Q.B. Explain remedies under “law of tort” against environmental pollution.

Q9. Describe the evolution of international environmental law.

Q10. What are the Constitutional remedies against environmental pollution? Refer case law.

Environmental Laws LL.B PART-III ANNUAL 2012 Paper-VI-VII

Q1. Define the following terms:

(a) air pollutant

(b) biodiversity

(c) emission- standards

Q2. Describe functions and powers of Provincial Environmental Protection Agency:

Q3. Describe prohibition of certain discharge or Emissions provided under section 11 of the Pakistan Environmental Protection Act, 1997.

Q4. Writ& detailed note on “Environmental Protection Order (EPO)”.

Q5. Describe climate change and global warming.

Q6. What mitigation measures would you suggest to control urban air pollution?

Q7. Write a detailed note on the natural resources and the doctrine of public trust.

Q8. How you can relate “law of tort” with environmental pollution?

Q9. Describe the enforcement mechanism contained in the Pakistan Environmental Protection Act, 1997.

Q10. Write a short note on Rio Conference, 1992.

Environmental Laws LL.B PART-III ANNUAL 2013 Paper-VI-VII

Q1. Define following terms:

(a) Pollution
(b) Proponent

(c) National Environmental Quality Standards

Q2. Describe the functions of Federal Agency as provided in Section 6 of the Pakistan Environmental Protection Act 1997 (PEPA).

Q3. Describe the initial Environmental examination (TEE) and Environmental impact Assessment (EIA).

Q4. Briefly describe the offences and judicial penalties provided in PEPA, 1997.

Q5. Briefly describe the powers and jurisdiction of. Environmental Tribunal.

Q6. Write a note on common law remedies against environmental pollution.

Q7. Write a note on constitutional remedies against environmental pollution.

Q8. Briefly describe the evolution of environmental law.

Q9. What are the global environmental issues? Explain.

Q10. Write a short note on Kyoto Protocol.


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