LLB Part 3 Constitutional Law Past Papers 2007-2019

Constitutional Law is the third paper in LL.B part 3 examination. Here you’ll find the past papers of Constitutional Law that give you some help in preparing your next paper. Let’s have a look at the year wise indexing of the past papers of Constitutional Law past papers:

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LL.B Part 3 Constitutional Law Past Papers 2007 To Onward

Constitutional Law LL.B PART-III ANNUAL 2007 Paper-III

i) Attempt SIX questions, including Two questions from each Part, Question in Part I carry 20 marks each and Parts-II and III carry 15 marks each.


Q.1 What is Administrative Law? What factors are responsible for the development of Administrative Law

Write notes on the following:

(a) Constitutional Remedies (b) Rule of Bias

Q.2 Highlight the points of distinction between the French “Droit Administratif’ and the English “Rule Of Law.”

Q.3 (i) Identify just a few factors responsible for the development of delegated legislation. .
(ii) Briefly discuss the classification of delegated legislation.


Q.4 Define and elaborate the following:

(a) Ad hoc appointment

(b) Selection authority

Q.6 Discuss Seniority of a Civil servant under Civil Servant Act 1973.

Q.7 Who is competent to file an appeal before the service Tribunal established under the Service Tribunal Act, 1973? What procedure should he Adopt in filing the said appeal?

Q.8 What procedure is to be observed by the inquiry officer or inquiry committee against the accused Government servant?


Q.9 Define Misconduct? Identity various penalties, .which could be imposed on a Civil servant proved quality of misconduct?

Q.10 Explain the kinds of Remedies available to a Civil Servant under the law in case of an appeal before the Service Tribunal.

Q.11 Write short notes on:

(a) Promotion Claim (b) Appointment on probation.
(a) Promotion Claim (b) Appointment on probation.

Q.12 Write detailed notes on:

(i) Pension (ii) Provident Fund.
(i) Pension (ii) Provident Fund

Constitutional Law LL.B PART-III ANNUAL 2008 Paper-III


Q.1. What do you know about Dicey’s concept of rule of law? Discuss the criticism leveled against it?

Q.2. Write a note on the following:

(a) Aggrieved person (b) Locus Standi

Q.3 Discuss the role of Ombudsman in Pakistan.

Q.4 “The main object of the administrative law is the operation and control of administrative authorities” please comment.

Q.5 Describe. the composition of the Punjab Services Tribunal. How are the benches of the Tribunal constituted?

Q.6 Define and explain the following:

(a) Civil Servant- (b) Ad hoc appointment (c) Selection Authority

Q.7. Discuss the law relating to file an appeal before a: tribunal under Service Tribunal Act, 1973.

Q.8 Highlight some lines of distinction between a tribunal and court of law.


Q.9 Define “misconduct”. What are various penalties provided in relevant rules which can be imposed on a civil Servant proved guilty of misconduct?

Q.10. Discuss the procedure to be adopted in case of an inquiry against a Government Servant.

Q.11 Discuss the circumstances under which the services of a civil servant can be terminated without notice.

Q.12 Promotion in Service is not a legal right of a civil servant. Discuss.

Constitutional Law LL.B PART-III ANNUAL 2012 Paper-III

Q1. Although it is hard to differentiate administrative law from constitutional law but try to define it and throw light on its historical developments.

Q2. Rule of law is hallmark of administrative law. Can you explain the theory advanced by Dicey and modern concepts?

Q3. Write a note on the following:

  • 1. Locus Standi
  • 2. Audl Alteram Partem

Q4. Law making power delegated by a legislature to administrative authorities is exposed to abuse. Can you suggest different forms of control to arrest such an abuse?

Q5. To check the abuse o discretionary powers by the administrative authorities, the institution of an Ombudsman provides an inexpensive and expeditious justice. Throw light on it in detail.

Q6. What is judicial review of an administrative actin? Discuss.

Q7. Promotion and seniority are very important rights of a civil servant. Throw light on it.

Q8. What is a memorandum of an appeal and especially discuss its contents in detail.

Q9. Elaborate administrative minor and major punishments for which a civil servant is liable to the case of various charges framed against him.

Q10. The service tribunal under the Punjab Servant Act and Rules is an effective forum against an unlawful administrative action. Elaborate its powers and functions.

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