Library Science: LIS MCQ Test 03AdminSeptember 12, 2018Library Science MCQs Here you’ll find the Online MCQ test of Library Science. This is library Science online MCQ test number 3. 1. Computer Memory is measured in ? Bytes Kilobytes Megabytes All of the above 2. BERNE CONVENTION is concerned with ? Patents Standards Translations Copyright 3. Who designated Dr.Ranganathan as “father of library science” ? Sir Radhakrishnan Sir.Maurice Gwoyer Jawaharlal Nehru Rajendra Prasad 4. WIPO stands for ? World International Property Organisation World Intellectual Property Organisation World Information Protection Organisation World Information and Patents Organisation 5. The invisible web refers to ? the failure in accessing the web pages the telecommunication signals which are not seen that part of the internet, which is hidden from the search engines the internet, since we cannot see it 6. To which country the credit is given to coin the term information society ? Japan France USA India 7. Today information is regarded as which of the following ? Products Wealth Commodity All the above 8. Now a days what is a most important vital resource for societal development of a Country ? Information Data Kowledge Books 9. What is the unit of information ? Hertz Bit Gram Byte 10. Delivery of Book Act passed in the year ? 1960 1972 1963 1954 11. Who is the Father of a computer ? Vint Cerf Charles Babbage Tim Berners-Lee Steve Jobs 12. Which Indian University first started M.Lib.Sc. & M.Phil course ? University of Madras Aligar Muslim University University of Delhi S.N.D.T. Women University, Bombay 13. Which organization has introduced the concept of “Sister libraries” ? IFLA LA UNESCO LC 14. Who said that “Librarianship is not a profession”? Madden, Moon, Moore, Mc Pheron Goode, Rossi, Shaffer, Gullis Ranganathan, Dewey, Cutter Dewey, Rundey, Reeves, Aishen 15. Who gave the sixth law of library science “Every reader his/her freedom”? Michael Gorman Walt Crawford Lenart Bjorneborn James R. Rettig 16. Which law of library Science relates to the growth of libraries ? First law Second law Forth law Fifth law 17. UAP stands for what of the following ? Universal Association of Publishers Universal Association of Publishers Universal Availability of Publications United Academy of publication 18. Resource sharing is a part of ? Library Administration Library Cataloging Library Management Library cooperation 19. The five laws of Library Science published in the book form in the year ? 1924 1931 1928 1930 20. Which term was coined by Dr.S.R.Ranganathan for mobile libraries ? Library Machine Moving Library Library on Wheels All of above 21. The Librarian Day celebrated on ? 24th Nov 11th Dec 15th Sep 12th Aug 22. Forms of Extension service ? Library Orientation Book fair and Exhibition Library Websites All 23. The first library school was started by ? John Macfarlane William Allenson Borden Charles Williamson Melvin Dewey 24. The secondary source of information comprised of ? Subject periodicals and encycyclopedias Bibliography and patents Text books and research monographs Indexing and Abstracting periodicals 25. Who categorized information source into conventional, non conventional, non conventional and micro documents ? Grogan Henson Ranganthan Bradford 26. What is a Patent ? An agreement between library and Publisher An agreement to the Government An agreement between the inventor and the Government Document of the library 27. Cumulative book index is published from ? USA Thailand Canada India 28. Word of learning is Published by ? Harper & Row Europa publication Keesing’s Asian events 29. Who was Published the monthly Journal “The Library World’ ? Krishan kumar H. W. Wilson J. D. Brown K. Navlavi 30. Research periodicals are which category of sources? Tertiary Secondary Primary Non documentary 31. Reference sources are those ? Which used to obtain particular information? Which are large in size Which are read at home easily Which are costly 32. At What the New Encyclopedia of Britannica is useful while referencing? Macropaedia Premedia Micropaedia Propaedia 33. What Does the Year Book known for? Annual Directory Dictionary Hand book 34. What is Trade bibliography? List of books in print or for sale compiled by a publisher List of Author Bibliography List of books of trade Library List of Special Bibliography 35. e-Document means? Electric From like CD, Cassettes etc Total Audio visual components Non-Paper documents All Documents other than printed 36. Which of the following is not the documents? Inscription Manuscript Periodical Book 37. Today which type of information sources is most useful? Non- Documentary source Both the Documentary and Non-Documentary sources Reference sources Documentary source 38. Cover to cover translation is treated as ? On demand services Current awareness services Selective dissemination service Anticipatory services 39. To get knowledge about particular reference source, what is reference source? Year books Encyclopedia Directory Gazetteer 40. What is the suitable reference sources to find out the list of historical monuments of place ? Guide book Globe Gazetteer Atlas 41. What do you call a collection of maps, tables, charts, etc.? Gazetteer Atlas Globe Map 42. Which of the following are not the secondary sources? Text book Thesis Digest Encyclopedia 43. What is the publication frequency of books in print? Annually Weekly Quarterly Monthly 44. Tell about the Nationalbibliography? published in a particular Nation books on a nation written by National government books of National Library 45. What is world of learning? Dictionary Year book Encyclopedia Directory 46. The term “Information Service” is an improvised name ? Bibliography Reference service Administration Documentation 47. Which service demands the creation of a ‘user’ profile? CAS SDI Reference service Information retrieval 48. Who said that Reference service is contact line between right person and right book? said by James I Wyer Said by S R Ranganathan said by D J Fockett None of the Above 49. CAS is defined as ? A simple information service A process of dissemination of information A process of dissemination of current information A process of information 50. Feedback mechanism is a part of which service? Reprography service SDI CAS Translation service Loading … Admin I am interested in writing content for educational purpose. Leave a ReplyCancel ReplyYour email address will not be published. Required fields are marked * Name * Email * Add Comment * Post Comment