LLB Part 2 Muslim Personal Law Past Papers 2007-2019

The Muslim Personal Law is compulsory paper in LL.B part 2 examination. The paper of Muslim Personal Law is a compulsory paper in LL.B part 2. Muslim Personal Law is vital to read as a Muslim and being a Muslim country every one especially the lawyer and legal professional should have the knowledge of these Muslim Laws. All the year wise past papers of Muslim Personal Law of LL.B Part 2 is collected and arranged here according to needs of the new and old students of LL.B part 2.

Past Paper Indexing


LL.B Part 2 Muslim Personal Law Past Papers 2007 To Onward

Muslim Personal Law LL.B PART-II ANNUAL 2007 Paper-V

i) Attempt any FIVE of the following questions. All questions carry equal marks.

Q.1 Describe briefly Quran and Sunnah as primary sources of Islamic Law.

Q2. Define marriage. What are valid, irregular and void marriages?

Q3. Discuss briefly the fundamentals of Islamic Law of succession in the light of the Holy Quran and Sunnah.

Q4. Define Gift (Hiba). What are the three conditions for the validity of Gift?

Q5. Define will. What are the limitations imposed on the right of will by Islamic law?

Q6. Define will. What are the limitations imposed on the right of will by Islamic law?

Q7. Describe briefly the salient features of the Muslim Family Laws Ordinance, 1961.

Q8. Define Waqf and discuss its essentials. What are the valid objects of a Waqf?

Q9. What are the different modes of Talaq and what are their consequences?

Q10. Write notes on following:

(i) Dower (ii) Ijma.

Muslim Personal Law LL.B PART-II ANNUAL 2008 Paper-V

Q1. Ijtehad plays an. important role in Islamic legislation. discuss.

Q2. Define and discuss void, voidable and valid marriages. and distinguish amongst all.

Q.3 Define Khula and discuss the grounds when a wife can demand Khula.

Q.4 Discuss briefly the right of Maintenance of different relatives under Islamic Law.

Q.5 Define a Guardian as used in Guardian and Wards Act? How can he be appointed and removed’?

Q.6 What is Prompt and Deferred dower? What remedies are available to a wife if dower is not paid?

Q7. What are the Impediments to Inheritance?

Q.8 What restrictions have .been imposed on a husband for contracting another marriage, under the Muslim ‘Family Laws Ordinance, 1961.

Q.9 Define and discuss Waqf. What are the valid objects of a Waqf?

Q10. Write short notes on the following:

(i) Will (ii) Imam Shafi (RA)

Muslim Personal Law LL.B PART-II ANNUAL 2009 Paper-V

Q1 Define Quran and discuss its importance in Islamic Law.

Q2 Discus’s the importance of marriage (Nikah) as an instrument for the bondage of family institution in Islamic Law.

Q3 What is Khula? Who can exercise it and on what grounds?

Q4 Define dower (Mahr). What are its different kinds?

Q5 Explain the general principles for Maintenance of different relatives.

Q6 Who is a ‘ward’? What are his rights under the Guardian & Wards Act?

Q7 What are the Impediments to Inheritance?

Q8 Define and discuss Waqf and its ingredients in detail.

Q9 Give a critical analysis of Muslim Family Laws Ordinance, 1961.

Q10 Write short notes on the following:

(a) Imam Abu Hanifa (R.A) (b) Will

Muslim Personal Law LL.B PART-II ANNUAL 2010 Paper-V

Q.1.Define and discuss the legislative functions of the Holy Quran.

Q2. Sunnah plays an important role in Islamic legislative process to discuss and explain.

Q.3.What are the heads where the estate of a deceased may be spent before distribution of his estate amongst, his heirs.

Q.4.Define marriage. What are the essentials of a marriage under the Islamic Law?

Q5. Describe the importance of dower in a marriage contract.

Q.6.Define Divorce and discuss its legal effects on all the stake holders.

Q.7.What are the salient features of the Muslim Family Laws Ordinance, 1961?

Q.8.What is Waqi? How is a Waqf completed and who can be appointed Mutawalli of a Waqf?

Q.9.Define a Guardian. How and when can he be appointed and removed?

Q.10.Write notes on the following:

(a) Right of Pre-emption
(b) Gift

Muslim Personal Law LL.B PART-II ANNUAL 2011 Paper-V

Q.1 Quran and Sunnah are the primary sources of Islamic Law, describe briefly.

Q.2 Ijtehad plays a vital role in Islamic Legislation, explain arid illustrate.

Q.3 What are the heads where the estate of a deceased may be spent before distribution of his estate amongst his/her heirs.

Q.4 What are the different modes of dissolution of marriage?

Q.5. Give A brief but comprehensive description of Muslim Family Laws Ordinance, 1961.

Q.6 How a guardian of an award can be appointed? What are matters taken into consideration while appointing such guardian?

Q.7 Who are liable for the maintenance of wives, children and parents?

Q.8 What are the impediments to a valid marriage?

Q.9 How the right of pre-emption can be demanded?

Q.10 Write short notes on the following:

1. Waqf    2. Imam Abu Hanifa (RA)

Muslim Personal Law LL.B PART-II ANNUAL 2012 Paper-V

Q.1 Sunnah plays a two-fold role in Islamic Legislation, discuss and-elucidate.

Q.2 Define ljtehid and its role in Islamic legislation, highlighting briefly the qualifications of a Mujtahid.

Q.3 What are the impediments to a valid marriage?

Q.4 Define Dower and its different kinds, explaining the importance of Dower.

Q.5 What are the different moods of dissolution of marriage?

Q.6 Define and discuss the concept of Will under the provisions of Islamic Personal Law.

Q.7 What are salient features of Muslim Family Laws Ordinance (1961)?

Q.8 Explain briefly the rights and duties of a ‘Guardian’ of a minor, appointed under the provisions of Guardian and Wards s Act, 1890.

Q.9 Define ‘Gift’ (Hiba) and its ingredients.

Q.10 Write short notes on the following:

a) Imam Malik b) Inheritance

Muslim Personal Law LL.B PART-II ANNUAL 2013 Paper-V

Q1. Discuss Quran and Sunnah of Holy Prophet with reference to their legislative significance?

Q2. Define will and discuss the limitation placed upon a will by Islamic Law?

Q3. Define Hiba (Gift and explain the essentials of a valid Hiba?

Q4. What do you understand by dower? Explain its different kinds recognized by Islamic Law?

Q5. A Muslim husband is legally entitled to pronounce Talaq this wife. Elaborate various modes of Talaq.

Q6. Define-Marriage (Nikah) and discuss its essentials as laid down in Islamic law to identify a valid Marriage.

Q7.  features of the Muslim Family laws Ordinance?

Q8 A (Donor) donates his entire property to B (donee) but the donee could not take possession of the such Gifted/donated property before the donor’s death. After his death, he files a suit against the donor’s legal heirs for recovery of the gifted property. Discuss the chances of his right to the gifted property being materialized and to what extent while explaining the relevant law on the subject?

Q9. How a Guardian is appointed? What are his rights and duties under Guardian & Wards Act?

Q1O.Write short notes on the following:

(i) Imam Abu Hanifa
(ii) Ijtehad

Muslim Personal Law LL.B PART-II ANNUAL 2014 Paper-V

Q1. The Quran is the main .source of Islamic legislation, elucidate?

Q2. The Sunnah of the Holy -Prophet plays a two-fold role in Islamic legislation, explain?

Q3. What are the impediments to marriage under the Islamic family law?

Q4. Define Divorce and its different kinds under the provisions of Islamic law?

Q5. Discuss the general principles governing the Islamic Law of inheritance’?

Q6. Define Dower and its kinds. What remedies are available to a wife if dower is not to her?

Q7. Islam encourages Whit are its ingredients?

Q8. Different Muslim Ulamas have been expressing their reservation over provisions of the Muslim Family Laws Ordinance 1961. Explain the main points of debate?

Q9. What is the procedure of appointment of a Guardian of a Ward through courts and what are their rights and liabilities?

Q10. Write short notes on the following:

Muslim Schools of Thought


Muslim Personal Law LL.B PART-II ANNUAL 2015 Paper-V


Q1 Quran and Sunnah are the fundamental sources of Islamic Law. Explain.

Q2 Ijtehad is carried out within the foundations of Islamic Principles. Discuss and illustrate.

Q3 Marriage keeps Muslim Society purified from many social evils, explain it by defining Marriage (Nikah) and Valid, Irregular and Void marriages.

Q4 What is Dower? What are the classifications and kinds of Dower? Would it be appropriate to name it as ‘consideration’ of the marriage contract?

Q5 What are the different modes of dissolution of marriage under Muslim Persona Law?

Q6 What are the general principles governing the Islamic Law of inheritance?

Q7 Define Waqf and explain its lawful objects under the Islamic provisions.

Q8 Muslims family laws ordinance, 1961 has been subjected to criticism by a scholar of Pakistan.

Q9 What is the procedure of appointment of a Guardian of a minor under the provisions of the Guardian & wards Act? What are their rights and obligations?

Q10 Write short notes or the following.

(a) Will (b) Imam Abu Hanifa

Muslim Personal Law LL.B PART-II ANNUAL 2017 Paper-V

Q.1 Discuss the significance of role .of Sunnah in Islamic Legislation.

Q.2 Please explain ljtehad highlighting the qualifications of a competent Mujtahid.

Q.3 Define marriage and its different kinds provided under the Islamic law and their effects them of.

Q.4 What are the different modes of dissolution of marriage as per Islamic provisions? Explain.

Q.5 Define Dower and its different kinds as provided under the Islamic Law.

Q.6 Define will and its kinds and essentials.

Q.7 What are the rights and duties of a Guardian under the provisions of the Guardian & Wards Act.

Q.8 Pen down the criticism leveled by Pakistan Scholars on certain provisions of the Muslim Family Laws Ordinance, 1961.

Q.9 Please explain the necessary steps before the division of an estate of a deceased.

Q.10 Write short notes of the following:

a) Imam Malik b) Waqf

Muslim Personal Law LL.B PART-II ANNUAL 2019 Paper-V

Note: Attempt any 5 questions. Mark of All questions will be same.

Q1. Sunnah of the Holy Prophet (PBUH) plays a vital role in Islamic Legislation. Explain and illustrate.

Q2. What is Ijtehad? What are the basic qualifications of a competent Mujtahid.

Q3. Define marriage and its different kinds provided under the Islamic Law and their effects thereof.

Q4. What athe different methods of dissolution of marriage as per Islamic provisions? Explain.

Q5. Kindly defind and explain the will and its kinds and essentials.

Q6. Define Dower. What are the its different kinds?

Q7. Briefly explain the rights and duties of a Guardian under the provisions of the Guardian & Wards Act.

Q8. What are the salient features of Muslim Family Laws Ordinance 1961 and its impact on the law and society at large?

Q9. What particular steps are taken before the division of the estate of a deceased, prior to its distribution amongs the legal heirs?

Q10. Write a short note on the following

  • Imam Abu Hanifa
  • Waqf

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