LLB Part 1 Criminal Law Past Papers 2007-2019

Criminal Law is compulsory and sixth paper in LL.B part 1 examination. Here you’ll find all year wise past papers of Criminal Law of LL.B Part 1. Criminal Law gives you understanding about what are crimes and its various punishments in eye of Law. Have a look at the year wise past papers of Criminal Law LL.B Part 1.

Year Wise Past Papers of Criminal Law


LL.B Part 1 Criminal Law Past Papers 2007 To Onward

Criminal Law LL.B PART-I ANNUAL 2007 Paper-VI

i) Attempt any SIX questions in all). ONE question from Part-I carrying 20 marks. FOUR questions from Part-II carrying 15 marks each and ONE question from Part-III carrying 20 marks.


Q.1 Define crime and discuss in detail Mens Rea and Actus Reus as elements of crime.

Q.2 Explain briefly different theories of punishment.


Q.3 Explain private defence of property and when does it extend to causing death of 15 assailants?

Q.4 Describe different kinds of punishments provided by Pakistan Penal Code.

Q.5 Define abetment and discuss the liability of abettor in different circumstances.

Q.6 Explain Robbery and Dacoity with particular reference to differences between both.

Q.7 Define and distinguish criminal trespass, house trespass, and housebreaking.

Q.8 Define riot and affray and distinguish both of them. crimes.

Q.9 Discuss Qatle-e-Amad and explain how it could be compounded and waived?

Q.10 Define and explain the following:

Court of Justice. (ii) Person. (iii) Injury


Q.11 Define theft liable to Hadd. How is it proved?

Q. I2 Define Qazaf. When is it liable to Hadd?

Criminal Law LL.B PART-I ANNUAL 2008 Paper-VI


Q.1. Explain different theories of punishment in detail.

Q.2 Define Crime and explain them. different stages in the commission of Crime.

Q.3 Define private defence and elaborate the circumstances wherein assailant can be subjected to use of force even Causing. his death.

Q.4 Explain private defence of property When does it extend to causing even the death of assailant.

Q.5 Define and differentiate criminal trespass; house trespass and housebreaking.

Q.6 Define defamation and elaborate exceptions to general rule.

Q.7 Explain unlawful assembly and how it could be converted into the riot.

Q8. Define Hurt and briefly explain different kinds of Hurt

Q.9 What is a robbery? And how theft is converted into a robbery?

Q.10 Define and explain the following:

(i) Dishonestly (ii) Good faith (in). Fraudulent


Q.11 What is Quaf? When is it liable to Hadd? How can it be proved? And what is its punishment?

Q.12 Define Hadd in accordance with Islamic Law and explain different kinds. of Hudood under the Islamic Law.

Criminal Law LL.B PART-I ANNUAL 2009 Paper-VI


Q1 Discuss various approaches towards the commission of the crime.

Q2 What is negligence? What are its various theories? Please discuss in detail.


Q3 Define and explain the following terms:

(a)Wrongful gain (b) Valuable Security (c) Good faith

Q4 Define and distinguish between wrongful restraint and wrongful confinement. Also, state the Punishment prescribed under P.P.C.

Q5 Define Diyat. Discuss the legal provisions relating to its fixation, payment and disbursement.

Q6 Define the term Jurh and discuss its various kinds. Also state the kinds of Ghair Jaifah along with Punishment.

Q7 Define and distinguish between Qatl-e-Khita and Qatl-bis-Sabab.

Q8 Define and distinguish between Kidnapping and Abduction. Also state the punishment prescribed for Kidnapping in order to murder.

Q9 Write an exhaustive essay on Robbery under P.P.C.

Q10 Define and distinguish between extortion and dacoity.


Q11 Define and explain Qazf. How is it proved and what is its punishment?

Q12 Define theft and state when is it liable to hadd. What is the method of proving theft liable to hadd?

Criminal Law LL.B PART-I ANNUAL 2010 Paper-VI


Q1. Discuss in detail social causes of crime in Pakistan.

Q2. Discuss different theories of Punishment.


Q3. Define and explain the following terms:

(a) judge (b) Counterfeit (c) Voluntarily

Q4. Discuss various kinds of Punishments as have been given under Pakistan Penal Code, 1860.

Q5. What constitutes unlawful assembly? Discuss punishment prescribed for various offences relating to unlawful assembly.

Q6. Define and distinguish between Qatl-i-Khata and Qatl-bis-Sabab.. Also discuss the Punishment prescribed for the both.

Q7. Write detail notes on arsh and daman.

Q8. Define and distinguish between Robery and dacoity. Also narrate punishment for the two.

Q9. Discuss in detail the Principle of vicarious liability as has been laid down under Section 34 of the PPC.

Q10. What do you understand by the right of Private defence of Property? When does such right extend to causing any harm other than death and discuss the provisions relating to commencement and continuance of the right of private defence of Property.


Q11. Define the term Harabah. Discuss the method of its proof. Also state the punishment prescribed for Harabah.

Q12. Define the following terms:

(a) Muhsan (b) Lain (c) Drinking (d) Qazf

Criminal Law LL.B PART-I ANNUAL 2011 Paper-VI


Q.1. Discuss various causes of Juvenile delinquency in Pakistan.

Q.2 Critically examine the existing criminal justice system in Pakistan. Make pragmatic suggestions for its improvement.


Q.3 Define and distinguish between common object and common intention.

Q.4 Discuss various provisions of Pakistan Penal Code 1860 relating to award of imprisonment for non-payment of Fine.

Q.5 Discuss various kinds of punishment as have been given in Pakistan Penal Code.

Q.6 What is right of private defence? Discuss the circumstances under which right of private defence of the body extends to causing death.

Q.7 Define Qatl-e-Amd. Discuss the method of proof of Qatl-e-Amd liable to qisas. Describe the cases in which qisas for Qatl-e-Amd shall not be enforced.

Q.8 Define Shajjah and discuss its various kinds. Also describe punishment prescribed for various kinds.

Q.9 Define and distinguish between wrongful restraint and wrongful confinement. Also state punishment of various types of wrongful confinement.

Q.10 Define and distinguish between kidnapping and abduction and state punishment for various types of kidnapping.


Q.11 Discuss various provisions of offences against property (Enforcement of Hudood) Ordinance, 1979 relating to Haraabah.

Q.12 Define Qazf. What is Qazf liable to hadd. Discuss the cases in which hadd shall not be enforced for Qazf.

Criminal Law LL.B PART-I ANNUAL 2012 Paper-VI


Q. 1 Discuss in detail different theories of punishment?

Q. 2 Define crime and explain the different stages in commission of a crime?


Q. 3 Explain, the concepts of common intention and common object as provided in the Pakistan Penal Code, and differentiate between them?

Q. 4 What is meant by private defence of the property? When does it amount to causing death of an assailant?

Q. 5 Define abetment’) Discuss the criminal liability of an abettor in different circumstances?

Q. 6 What is Qatl-i-Khata and Qatl-bis-Sabab? Enumerate the differences between them?

Q. 7 Define theft and extortion? What are the distinguishing features of these two offences against property?

Q. 8 What is meant by Hadd and Tazir? How many. Hudood offences are there in Islam Explain the different kinds of Hudood as provided in Pakistan’s statutory laws?

Q. 9 Define and explain? (Each explanation will be. evaluated from 5 marks).

(A) Judge (B) Person (C) Illegal (D) Injury

Q. 10 A, is a warehouse keeper, Z going on a journey entrusts his furniture to A, under a contract that it shall be returned on payment of a stipulated sum for warehouse room. A dishonestly sells the furniture. Discuss what offence has been committed by A elaborating the essential ingredients of the offence?


0.11. Discuss various causes of Juvenile delinquency in Pakistan.

Q.12 Critically examine the existing criminal justice system in Pakistan. Make pragmatic suggestions for its improvement.

Criminal Law LL.B PART-I ANNUAL 2013 Paper-VI


Q1 What is the importance of mens rea in constitution a crime? Are there crimes which do not include mens rea element? Explain these issues with particular reference to strict liability offences?

Q2 Define crime and tort, and differentiate between the two?

Q3 Explain the concepts of common intention and common objects,and differentiate between them.

Q4 Discuss in details the different kinds of punishments as provided by the Pakistan Penal Code?

Q5 Define abetment? Discuss the criminal liability of a abettor in different circumstances?

Q6 Define unlawful assembly? what are those circumstances which convert it into rioting?

Q7 Define theft and extortion? What are the distinguishing features between this two offenses against property?

Q8 Define hurt and explain its different kinds as provided in the Pakistan penal Code?

Q9 What is meant by hadd and tazir? How many hudood offences are there in Islam? Explain the different kinds of hudood as enacted in Pakistan’s statutory laws?

Q10 A in order to cause hurt and without any intention to cause death pelts a stone at Z which causes his death. Discuss what offence has been committed by a against z while elaborating its essential ingredients?

Criminal Law LL.B PART-I ANNUAL 2014 Paper-VI

Q1. What are constituting elements of a crime? Discuss them in detail.

Q2 Strict Liability does not require to prove mens rea. Discuss its nature and exemplify with various Crimes.

Q3 What are prerequisites to turn a gathering in an unlawful assembly? and Also differentiate it with rioting.

Q4 There is va ariety of punishments provided in PPC. Discuss in detail.

Q5 Define and differentiate between Qatle-Amd and Shiba-e-Amd, along with their respective punishments.

Q6 What is hurt and its different kinds? Discuss in detail.

Q7 If ‘A’ intends to cause hurt but during the commission of crime, he commits murder. Is he justified to be exonerated from the charge of murder? What PPC says?

Q8. What is Quzaf? When it is liable to Hadd and extortion under the relevant law of PPC.

Q10. What is liability under PPC to attempt a crime? Discuss in detail.

Criminal Law LL.B PART-I ANNUAL 2015 Paper-VI

Q1 A crime is constituted of two elements namely Actus Reus and Mens Rea. Leaving Hens Rea, Discuss Actus Reus in detail.

Q2 Strict and vicarious liabilities are two different criminal liabilities. How they differ with each other. Explain.

Q3 Write a short note in the followings:

(a)Wrongful gain. (b) Wrongful loss (c) Dishonestly (d) Good faith.

Q4 Section 53 of the Pakistan Penal Code provides various kinds of punishments. Discuss in detail.

Q5 Unsoundness of mind is an absolute defense in a criminal liability. In what circumstances it can be advanced by an accused in his defense successfully.

Q6 A constitutional freedom of an association can turn into an unlawful assembly, which is an independent crime without doing any further act. However, it aggravates with use of violence, so increase the punishment, Discuss.

Q7 Qatle-e-Amd is no compoundable by the heirs. What are the carious modes by which they can forgo their right to a criminal at any stage?

Q8 Write note on the following:

(1) Qisas (2) Wali, (3) Diyat

Q9 Define and explain jurh and its various kinds, along with their respective punishments.

Q10 Qisas and Tazir are two different kinds of Punishments under the Pakistan Penal Code. How they differ with each other? Explain.

Q11 What is the crime of Drinking under the law? in what circumstances it is liable to hadd and liable to Tazir. Discuss in detail.

Q12. Differentiate between Harabah and Sarakah, along with their respective Punishments.

Criminal Law LL.B PART-I ANNUAL 2017 Paper-VI


Q.1       Discuss causes of crime against women in Pakistan.To what extent the legislative measure have been successful in protecting and empowering the women in Pakistan?

Q.2       Discuss various causes of juvenile delinquency in Pakistan.


Q.3      Discuss various punishment as.have been provided in Pakistan Penal Code: –

Q.4 What is right of private defence? Discuss the circumstances under which right Of private defence of the body extends to causing death

Q.5    Define Qatl-e-amd. Discuss the method of proof of Qatl-e-amd liable to qisas. Describe cases in which qisas for Qatke-amd shall not be enforced.

Q.6   Define Shajjah and discuss its various kinds, and their punishments.

Q.7   Define and distinguish between kidnapping and abduction and state punishment for various kinds of – kidnapping.

0.8, Define and explain criminal conspiracy and discuss its punishment.

Q.9     Define and distinguish between robbery and decoity. Also state punishment for the two

Q.10 Discuss various provisions of Offences Against Property (Enforcement of Hudood) Ordinance, 1979 relating to Haraabah.

Criminal Law LL.B PART-I ANNUAL 2018 Paper-VI

Attempt one question from Part-I and four questions from Part-II. All the questions carry equal marks.


Q.1. Describe various theories of punishment and criticism on such theories?

Q.2. Discuss various causes of crime against women in Pakistan. Whether legislative measures in this regard are successful in safeguarding the rights of women in Pakistan?


Q.3. Discuss the difference between common intention and common object?

Q.4. Describe various defences which are available as general exceptions in Pakistan Penal Code?

Q.5. What are the kinds of punishments described in the Pakistan Penal Code? Explain in detail.

Q.6. What is criminal breach of trust? Describe various instances of criminal breach of — trust as mentioned in the Pakistan Penal Code? Explain.

Q.7. Define and differentiate between the offences of Abetment and Criminal Conspiracy?

Q.8. What is the difference between the offence of robbery and dacoity? Also describe the punishment for the said offences.

Q.9. Define and distinguish between the offences of kidnapping and abduction? Describe punishment for various kinds of kidnapping?

Q.10. Define criminal trespass and house trespass? What are various other instances of trespass described in the Pakistan Penal Code? Explain.


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