LL.B Part-III: English Jurisprudence Past Paper Supplementary 2020

Here you will find LL.B Part-III English Jurisprudence Past Paper Supplementary 2020. This English Jurisprudence paper is the second paper in the LL.B (5 years) Part-III examination. Find below the past paper on the English Jurisprudence Supplementary 2020.

Note: Attempt any five of the following questions to carry equal marks.

Q1. Define Jurisprudence. Explain its various kinds. Also, discuss Analytical Jurisprudence in detail.

Q2. Define Law. Explain the advantages and disadvantages of fixed rules of law.

Q3. Explain the terms question of law and question of fact. What are mixed questions of law and fact?

Q4. Explain the classification of civil law.

Q5. Define precedent. What are various kinds of precedents?

Q6. Define legislation. Discuss various rules of interpretation of legislation.

Q7. Define ownership. Discuss different kinds of ownership

Q8. Discuss various theories of punishments.

Q9. Explain with illustrations the following types of legal rights:

  1. Positive and Negative rights
  2. Personal and Proprietary rights
  3. Right in rem and right in personam,
  4. Perfect and Imperfect Right

Q10. Define Evidence. Discuss various kinds of evidence.

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