LL.B Part-III: English Jurisprudence Past Paper Annual 2016

Here you will find LL.B Part-III English Jurisprudence Past Paper Annual 2016. This English Jurisprudence paper is the second paper in the LL.B (5 years) Part-III examination. Find below the past paper of English Jurisprudence Annual 2016.

Note: Attempt any five questions. All questions carry equal marks.

Q1. Define Jurisprudence. Explain various kinds of jurisprudence.

Q2. Explain with examples the following kinds of legal rights:

  • Re-Propia and re aliena
  • Principal and accessory
  • Vested and contingent
  • Proprietary and Personal

Q3. Explain various kinds of possession.

Q4. Define and explain the doctrine of “strict and absolute liability.”

Q5. Discuss various theories of punishments.

Q6. Explain the difference between substantive law and procedural law.

Q7. How a corporation is different from a firm? Discuss the liabilities of a corporation and also discuss the objects of incorporation.

Q8. Define person. Explain various kinds of legal persons.

Q9. Explain the prerequisites of a valid Custom.

Q10. Write a note on the rules of interpretation of an enacted law.

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