LL.B Part-III: Constitutional Law-I Past Paper Supplementary 2020

Here you will find LL.B Part-III Constitutional Law-I Past Paper Supplementary 2020. This Constitutional Law-I paper is the third paper in the LL.B (5 years) Part-III examination. Find below the past paper on Constitutional Law-I Supplementary 2020.

Note: Attempt any SIX questions. THREE from Part-I and THREE questions from Part ll. Each question carries equal marks.


Q1. Discuss in detail the legal and non-legal sources of the British constitution.

Q2. Explain the doctrine of “Separation of powers” and to what extent it is embodied in British Constitutional Norms.

Q3. Critically analyze the notion that the House of Commons is far more powerful than the House of Lords.

Q4. Explain fully the principle of Ministerial responsibility under the British Constitution.

Q5. Discuss the composition nature and functions of cabinets in the United Kingdom.

Q6. Explain the concept of Supremacy of the British Parliament. Do you think British Parliament has absolute supremacy or is subject to checks and balances too? Discuss.


Q7. Discuss the historical development of the USA constitution and its sources in detail.

Q8. What fundamental Civil liberties are guaranteed in the Constitution of America? Explain.

Q9. There is a concept of Strong federation in American Constitution, discuss while explaining McCulloch vs. Margland case.

Q10. The US Senate is considered the powerful house of the American Congress. Explain.

Q11. Discuss in detail the election Procedure by which American President is elected in detail?

Q12. Discuss in detail the jurisdiction, powers, and composition of the US Supreme Court.

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