LL.B Part-III: Constitutional Law-I Past Paper Annual 2018

Here you will find LL.B Part-III Constitutional Law-I Past Paper Annual 2018. This Constitutional Law-I paper is the third paper in the LL.B (5 years) Part-III examination. Find below the past paper of the Constitutional Law-I Annual 2018.

Note: Attempt any SIX questions THREE from Part-I and THREE questions from Part-ll. Each question carries equal marks.


Q1. Discuss the sources of the British Constitution.

Q2. What do you understand by the legislative supremacy of the British Parliament? Do you think that British Parliament is Supreme in nature or not? Give cogent reasons in support of your answer.

Q3. What is the theory of “Separation of Power” and to what extent it is embodied in British Constitutional Norms?

Q4. House of Commons is more powerful than the House of Lords? Discuss.

Q5. Elaborate on the Doctrine of Rule of Law in the light of its historical perspective and development with reference to Dicey’s Exposition.

Q6. The British Prime Minister is considered the most powerful person in the UK. Are there any checks on his powers? Explain


Q7. Explain the method of election of the President and Vice President in the US Constitution.

Q8. Discuss the composition and role of the Senate in the USA.

Q9. What are the role and powers of the US Congress? Discuss the limitations on powers of congress under Articles 1 section 8 clause 18 of the US Constitution.

Q10. Explain in detail the jurisdiction and powers of USA Supreme Court.

Q11. Discuss the doctrine of separation of powers and check and balance in US Constitution.

Q12. Write a short note on any two of the following:

  1. Bill of Rights
  2. Due process of Law

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