LL.B Part-II: IT Skills Past Paper Annual 2018

Here you will find LL.B Part-II IT Skills Past Paper Annual 2018. This IT Skills paper is the sixth paper in the LL.B (5 years) Part-II examination. Find below the past paper of IT Skills Annual 2018.

Note: Attempt any five questions. All questions carry equal marks.

  • Read the problem statement carefully before attempting to answer.
  • Write the definition, draw the diagram concern if consider, to the point explanation will consider.

Q1. Write commands/steps to do the following in Microsoft word.

  • How to create a password on a file
  • How to use layout landscape and portrait
  • How to use a footnote.

Q2. Write down the Functions of Operating Systems.

Q3. What is application software? Give name of three application software you use.

Q4. Essential Computer Hardware is categorized into four (04) types, Explain.

Q5. Explain Refresh Rate, Resolution, and Dot Pitch with reference to Computer Monitor & Video card.

Q6. What is Software? Write down two (02) main types of Computer Software with examples, Express software relation in-between Hardware & User with a diagram.

Q7. Differentiate between WAN and LAN.

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