Here you will find LL.B Part-4 Public International Law Past Paper Annual 2021. This Public International Law paper is the sixth paper in the LL.B (5 years program) Part-4 examination. Find below the past paper on Public International Law 2021.
LLB Part-4 Public International Law paper of 2021
Find below the past paper on the Public International Law for LLB Part-4 annual 2021.
Note: Attempt any Five questions.
Q1. Discuss Custom as a source of International Law.
Q2. Explain the following kinds of Jruisdistions:
- Jurisdiction to prescribe
- Jurisdiction to enforce
- Civil and Criminal Jurisdiction
Q3. Explain the relationship between National and International Law by discussing the theories of ‘Moaoism’ and ‘Dualism’.
Q4. Discuss the Iavrr of ‘State Responsibility‘ and explain ‘Risk Theory’ and ‘Fault Theory’.
Q5. What are the elements of Statehood? Describe different kinds of states.
Q6. Discuss the following as a subject of International Law:
- State
- Individual
Q7. Write a note on the following:
- Jus Cogens
- Crimes against Humanity
- The doctrine of Hot Pursuit
Q8. Explain in detail various privileges and immunities available to Diplomats in International law.
Q9. Discuss the role of the United Nations in the settlement of International disputes.
Q10. Define ‘Territorial Waters. Explain the extent to which the state can exercise its jurisdiction over these waters.

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