LL.B Part-4: Mercantile Law Past Paper 2020

Here you will find LL.B Part-4 Mercantile Law Past Paper Annual 2020. This Mercantile Law paper is the third paper in the LL.B (5 years program) Part-4 examination. Find below the past paper of Mercantile Law 2020.

LLB Part-4 Mercantile Law paper of 2020

Find below the past paper of Mercantile Law for LLB Part-4 annual 2020.

Part-I Companies Act 2017

Q1. What is a Statutory Meeting? Discuss the contents of a Statutory Report. Do the shareholders have any remedy if the Stafitory meeting is not held or a Statutory Report has not been fitted with the Registrar?

Q2. Define a Public Limited Company and a Partnership and draw a distinction between the two.

Q3. What is the Memorandum of association of a Public Limited Company? What are its essential clauses? Discuss each one of them in detail.

Q4. Give the purpose, majority, and period of notice required in the following:-

  • Special Resolution
  • Ordinary Resolution
  • A resolution requiring special Notice

Q5. Write a comprehensive note on the law and the procedure for the transfer of shares in a Public Limited Company. Under what circumstances the director can refuse registration of the transfer? Does an appeal lie against the refusal?

Q6. In What various ways a person may become a member of a Public Limited Company and how he cease to be a member?

Part-II Partnership Act 1932

Q7. Can a minor become partner in a partnership firm? Discuss the rights and liabilities of a minor admitted to the benefits of the Partnership.

Q8. Explain the doctrine of “holding out”. Is the estate of a deceased partner liable for acts of a firm done after this death?

Part-III The Negotiable Instruments Act

Q9. Define a Bill of Exchange and what are its essential requisites.

Q10. When a banker is justified in dishonoring a cheque and when a banker is bound to dishonor a cheque?

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