Here you will find LL.B Part-4 Equity Past Paper Annual 2021. This Equity paper is the second paper in the LL.B (5 years program) Part-4 examination. Find below the past paper of Equity 2021.
LLB Part-4 Equity paper of 2021
Find below the past paper of Equity for LLB Part-4 annual 2021.
Part-I (Principles of Equity)
Q1. Write a short note on the following:
- History and growth of equity
- Doctrine of Election
- Set-off of claims
Q2. He who seeks equity must come with clean hands. Explain.
Q3. Delay defeats equity, Discuss.
Q4. Where equities are equal law shall prevail, Explain.
Part-II (Specific Releif Act)
Q5. what do you understand by Equitable Remedies and how these are granted?
Q6. what is “Discretion”? Discuss discretion as to decree specific performance.
Q7. when cancellation of an instrument may be ordered. Explain with reference to relevant law.
Q8. Give a detailed account of the kinds of injunctions and indicate cases where the court may refuse to grant an injunction.
PART III (Trust Act)
Q9. Explain the rights and powers of the trustee related to trust property.
Q10. How a trust is extinguished and in what circumstances trust may be revoked?

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