Library Science MCQs of Library and Information Centers’ Management (Quiz-9)

This is the Library Science MCQs of Library and Information Centers’ Management Quiz-9. Here you’ll find LIS MCQs about Library and Information Centers’ Management. If you are a student of Library and Information Management Sciences (LIMS) then these MCQs about Library and Information Centers’ Management are so much important for you. In these MCQs, Library and Information Centers’ Management is discussed in questions and answers. So by understanding these questions and answers about Library and Information Centers’ Management in Library Science you can easily prepare for the next examination.

LIS MCQs about Library and Information Centers’ Management

The following are the MCQs of Library and Information Centers’ Management:

321. Which of the following is not consistent with a Librarian having a marketing orientation:
A. Inventory levels are set with readers’ requirements and costs in mind
B. Customer relationship focuses on customer satisfaction before and after the sale, leading to a profitable long-run relationship
C. Focus of advertising is on product features and how products are made
D. Packaging is designed for customer convenience and as a selling tool
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322. The way in which products are sold is known as a :
A. Distribution channel
B. Marketing channel
C. Promoti9nal route
D. Marketing source
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323. Which one of the following options represents this statement “what place do you want your CD-Rom collection to hold in the reader’s mind”?
A. Product
B. Positioning
C. Promotion
D. Place
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324. During market segmentation analysis, the Librarian identifies which segments present the greatest opportunity. These segments are called :
A. Demographic markets
B. Primary markets
C. Target markets
D. Tertiary markets
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325. The library is aiming to celebrate world book day With one of the following is reflecting:
A. Target audience
B. Segmentation
C. Target market
D. Focus group
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326. Gathering secondary information is one of the steps of developing the research plan. What is the meaning of secondary information in marketing research?
A. That does not currently exist in an organized form
B. That already exists somewhere, having been collected for another purpose
C. That the researcher can obtain through surveys and observation
D. That already exists somewhere in an organized form
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327. If Library needs to survey the reader’s attitudes on the availability of wanted literature in the collection and needs the results within four working days, Library will probably use what kind of survey?
A. A mail
B. Computer interviewing
C. A telephone
D. A personal interview
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328. Marketing researchers usually draw conclusions about large groups of readers by studying which of the following small component of the total library users?
A. Group
B. Target group
C. Sample
D. Audience
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329. Which one of the following three-step processes represents “Perception”?
A. Motivation, personality, and attitudes
B. Collecting, eliminating, and organizing information inputs
C. Receiving, organizing, and interpreting information inputs
D. Anticipating, classifying, and discarding information inputs
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330. Which one of ·the following is a librarian’s major positioning tool that has a direct impact on product/collection or service performance; thus, it is closely linked to user’s value and satisfaction?
A. Product quality
B. Product design
C. Product style
D. Product features
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331. Which one of the following concepts best represents the involvement of management and employees in the continuous improvement of the library collection and services?
A. Marketing management
B. Total quality management
C. Knowledge management
D. Customer relationship management
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332.”The networks that connect users within a library to each other and to the library” reflect which one of the following networks?
A. Intranets
B. Extranets
C. Internent
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333. Identify the name of a vast public web of computer networks that connect users of all types all around the world to each other?
A. Intranets
B. Extranets
C. Internets
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334. Marketing information from which of the following databases can be accessed more quickly and cheaply?
A. External
B. Internal
C. Internal & External
D. Representatives
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335. The publishers of “PLISJ” developed a campaign to market the magazine to university and college students studying library and information courses. The publishers, are focusing on which of the following strategies?
A. Conglomerate diversification ·
B. Horizontal diversification
C. Market development
D. Product development
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336. The marketing mix consist~ of the four Ps: product, price, place, and_ promotion. In the age of connectedness, these tools might be more appropriately named the four Cs: Customer solution, Customer cost, Communication and:
A. Customer control
B. Convenience
C. Consideration
D. Customer relationship
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337. Which of the following sets refers to the order or sequence of marketing management functions?
A. Control-implementation-market planning
B. Market planning-control implementation
C. Implementation-control-market planning
D. Marketing’ planning implementation – control
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338. Your colleague is confused about using the marketing research process. In which footstep he is feeling difficulty?
A. Defining the problem
B. Defining the research objectives
C. Defining the problem and research objectives
D. Researching a research agency to help
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339. Which method of research can be used to obtain information if people are unwilling or unable to provide it?
A. Focus groups
B. Observations
C. Personal interviews
D. Questionnaires
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340. Which one of the following statements best characterizes marketing research?
A. Research is a continuous process, providing a constant flow of information
B. Research is conducted on a special-project basis
C. Research is performed when routine information is required
D. Research is the ·basis for making recurring marketing decisions
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341. Which of the following marketing mix activity is most closely associated with newsletters, catalogs, and invitations to organization-sponsored events?
A. Distribution
B. Pricing
C. Promotion
D. Product
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342. Which one of the following is the most useful source of speedier and more comprehensive information?
A. Users
B. Library report
C. Suppliers
D. Distribution
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343. A change in an individual’s behavior prompted by information and experience refers to which one of the following concepts?
A. Learning
B. Role selection
C. Motivation
D. Perception
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344. Which one of the following is a key to building lasting relationships with consumers?
A. Collection
B. Need recognition
C. Quality materials
D. User’s satisfaction
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345. Which one of the library marketing banners displays they are portable and easy to set up?
A. A-frame signs
B. Retractable banners
C. Notice boards
D. Bulletin boards
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346. A-frame signs are used commercially to promote, describe and sell products and services also known as
A. Sandwich boards
B. Pole Banners
C. Notice boards
D. Bulletin boards
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347. When you want to distribute materials such as tri-folds or leaflets outside of your library:
A. Sandwich boards
B. Pole Banners
C. Notice boards
D. Outdoor brochure holders
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348. It is very likely that some of your patrons and maybe some of the library employees are smokers. Give them a place to dispose of their smoking materials safely:
A. Ash containers
B. Trash containers
C. Plastic bags
D. Dustbin
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349. Library entryways, foyers, and lobbies provide numerous opportunities to direct your patrons, and provide layout information, entries should be warm and inviting is called:
A. Library marketing
B. Library planning
C. Library organization
D. Library direction
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350. The cabinets will proudly display your rare books and incurables while keeping out dust and keeping your special collections from walking out the door, is called:
A. Sandwich boards
B. Curio boards
C. Notice boards
D. Bulletin boards
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351. The group that uses the library facility is potentially an organized advocacy group. If you meet their needs, library facility can become multi-purpose, these facilities are called:
A. Lobbies
B. Study rooms
C. Lobbies
D. Entrance hall
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352. The equipment can be used m a number of different settings and events such as lectures, seminars, concerts, and presentations also known as lecterns, pulpits, and presentation stands:
B. Multimedia
C. Podiums
D. Computers
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353. systems should not only provide information about your library, they should also show your style:
A. Camera systems
B. Sign systems
C. AN systems
D. Podiums systems
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354. Libraries have been looking for retail sales displays that are designed to be ergonomic and show off the books, bookmarks, mugs, library bags, and book-related items to increase their:
A. Revenue
B. Image
C. Collection
D. User’s
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355. Use displays behind the circulation desk or above your reference and information· services, displays can get your message across. Use trivia to keep them thinking, remind them about your latest speaker, and let them · know when you are closing, five-minute warning, and more called:
A. LCD system
B. Alarm system
C. LED system
D. Camera system
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356. “Good libraries are good business”, “Read more,” know more”, and “Enjoy your library”; what do you think about the above sentences about marketing libraries?
A. Posters
B. Advertisement
C. Quotations
D. Slogans
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357. In the course of converting to a marketing orientation, a company faces three hurdles:
A. Organized resistance, slow learning, and fast forgetting
B. Management, custom~. reaction, competitive response
C. Decreased profits, increased R&D, additional distribution
D. forecast demand, increased sales expense, increased inventory costs
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358. Libraries that form collect information on each user’s department, transaction, behavior, concern, and activity:
A. Sales network
B. Holistic union
C. Marketing network
D. Supply-chain network ·
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359. The ability of a Library to deal with users one at a time has become practical as a result of advances in computers, the Internet, database, and marketing software:
A. Information technology
B. Improved communication flow
C. Just-in-time manufacturing
D. Customization
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360. Holistic marketing incorporates ensuring that everyone in the organization embraces appropriate marketing principles, especially senior management:
A. Internal marketing
B. The marketing mix
C. Strategic planning
D. Market development
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