Here you will find the PMS Social Work Paper-II 2022. PMS Social Work Past Paper-II 2022. Provincial Management Services (PMS) is a competitive examination. Social Work paper-II was held on Thursday, June 8, 2023.
PMS Social Work Paper-II of 2022
The following questions were given in the paper:
Q1. Worth and dignity of individual is a core value of social work. In your opinion how Islamic values are reflected in the contemporary social work practice?
Q2. Differentiate between Community Development and Community Organization. Highlight different steps comprising Community Development Process.
Q3. In your view what factors do influence the formulation of Social Policy in Pakistan? Please explain with logical arguments.
Q4. Discuss the evolution of Social Welfare Agencies in Pakistan.
Q5. Write short notes on the following:
a) Difference between interview schedule and guide
b) Qualitative and Quantitative Research
Q6. Critically analyze the situation of the welfare of the juvenile delinquents and adults criminal in Pakistan.
Q7. Explain various fields of application of Social Group Work Practice.
Q8. Discuss in detail the need and importance of Social Research as Problem Solving Method.
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