PMS Social Work Paper-II 2019

Here you will find PMS Social Work Paper-II 2019. PMS Social work past paper 2019 was a very easy paper. Students can get very good marks on this paper. I have given below the past paper of Social work Paper-II 2019.

PMS Social Work Past Paper-II 2019

Q1. What do you know about professional social work? Elaborate on its supporting principles and explain its practical usefulness in Pakistan.

Q2. “Social work is based on Islamic values and principles” Discuss in detail.

Q3. Diagnosis and treatment are concurrent and interrelated processes. Discuss

Q4. Define social casework and discuss its elements/components thoroughly.

Q5. What are the major problems of physically disabled persons in our society and also give suggestions to resolve their problems?

Q6. Social Welfare Agencies are playing an effective role in socio-economic development. Do you agree? Justify the statement

Q7. The Community Development method has certain objectives to perform in the community. Discuss all these objectives in detail.

Q8. Write a comprehensive note on any two of the following:

  1. School Social Work
  2. Medical Social Work
  3. Women Welfare

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PMS Social Past Paper-II 2019

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