PMS Social Work Paper-II 2016

Here you will find PMS Social Work Paper-II 2016. I have given below the past paper of Social work Paper-II 2016.

PMS Social Work Past Paper-II 2016

Q1. Elaborate professional and Voluntary social work. Discuss the philosophical base of professional social work with supporting principles.

Q2. What do you understand by Social relationships? How does the Islamic concept of social relationships influence the social welfare of our society?

Q3. The social casework problem-solving process follows certain steps/stages. Define and discuss in detail.

Q4. Groups are made to achieve certain goals/objectives. Discuss the importance of group work in this reference.

Q5.Explain the term “Community Development”. Elaborate on the role of a professional worker using principles of community development.

Q6. Discuss Social Welfare administration. How is social action important in the concept of social welfare? Give your arguments.

Q7. What is the concept of a social welfare agency? How is socio-economic development influenced by social welfare agencies?

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PMS Social Work Past Paper-II 2016

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