Physics is an optional paper for the PMS examination. Here is the PMS Physics Paper-I for 2024. PPSC often conducts this Provincial Management Services (PMS) examination. The paper I on Physics was held on January 28, 2025. Find its past paper below to understand what topics were given. If you are an aspirant preparing for the PMS, this Physics paper will help you better prepare. This way you can better understand the paper and the questions.
PMS Physics Paper-I 2024
Q1. a) What is a conical pendulum? Give its two uses. Derive a relation for its period of revolution.
b) Define and explain angular momentum in detail. Derive a correlation between angular momentum and torque.
Q2. a) State and prove Kepler’s law of periods for planetary motion.
b) Define and explain the moment of inertia. Calculate the rotational inertia of a solid sphere about its diameter.
Q3. a) How do fluid properties like viscosity, surface tension, and elasticity affect fluid flow and fluid motion?
b) Water is flowing through a pipe with a diameter of 10cm. The pipe narrows down to a diameter of 5cm at a constriction. If the pressure in the wide section is 100 kPa and the velocity of the water is 2 m/s, what is the pressure in the narrow section of the pipe if the water is incompressible and there is no energy loss due to friction?
Q4. a) An upward thrust is used to lift the rocket. Explain this phenomenon analytically and mathematically, Derive a relationship to find this upward thrust using Bernoullis’ equation.
b) What is Poiseulle’s Derive mathematical formulation of this law?
Q5. a) What is an interferometer, and how does it work in the context of observing Newton’s rings?
b) How can the phase difference between the interfering waves be measured using Newton’s rings, and what is its significance?
Q6. a) What are Lissajous figures and how are they formed?
b) Explain what is meant by free oscillation with two degrees of freedom. Give an example and discuss the factors that affect the natural frequencies of the system.
Q7. a) Explain distinctive features of the Maxwellian distribution of molecular velocities.
b) Differentiate between Bose-Einstein and Fermi-Dirac Statistics.
Q8. a) Differentiate between a heat engine and a refrigerator based on their construction, working principle, and efficiencies
b) What do you understand by low-temperature physics? Describe the different mechanisms of production of low temperatures.
Critical Analysis of the Paper
This physics paper covers classical mechanics, fluid dynamics, thermodynamics, optics, and statistical physics. Q1(a) is on the conical pendulum, deriving the period and use of the conical pendulum in applications like gyroscopes. Part (b) explains angular momentum and its relation to torque. Q2(a) derives Kepler’s law of periods, essential for planetary motion, and (b) defines the moment of inertia with an example computation for a solid sphere. Q3(a) examines fluid properties like viscosity and surface tension, while (b) applies Bernoulli’s equation to calculate pressure in a constricted pipe. Q4(a) analyzes rocket thrust using Bernoulli’s principles, and (b) derives Poiseuille’s Law for laminar flow. Q5(a) explains interferometry and Newton’s rings, while (b) covers phase difference measurement and its importance in optics. Q6(a) deals with Lissajous figures using harmonic motion and (b) deals with free oscillations with two degrees of freedom and the causes of changes in natural frequencies. Q7(a) describes features of Maxwellian velocity distribution, and (b) discusses the difference between Bose-Einstein and Fermi-Dirac statistics. Q8(a) compares heat engines and refrigerators on design, working, and efficiency, and (b) deals with low-temperature physics and the mechanisms involved such as the Joule-Thomson effect and adiabatic demagnetization. The paper balances theory, derivations, and practical applications, promoting analytical and problem-solving skills.

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