PMS Law Past Paper-II 2024

In the PMS examination, Law is an optional paper. Here is the PMS Law Paper-II for 2024. PPSC conducts this Provincial Management Services (PMS) examination frequently. The Law Paper II on Law was held on January 26, 2025. Find its past paper below to understand what topics were given. If you are an aspirant and preparing for the PMS, this Law paper will help you better prepare. This way you can better understand the paper and the questions.

PMS Law Past Paper-I 2024


Q1. Discuss different kinds of criminal conspiracy and the punishment provided thereof, please quote the relevant provisions of law.

Q2. Discuss and enumerate Qat-i-amd not liable to qisas and the proof of Qatl-i-amd liable act is an offense. Discuss law relating to gratification under provisions of PPC.

Q3. A public servant taking gratification other than legal remuneration with respect to an official act is an offense. Discuss law relating to gratification under provisions of PPC?

Q4. Discuss the scope of Sections 462-J, 462-K, 462-L, and 462-O of PPC.


Q5. Discuss the duties and powers of Justice of Peace with reference to the relevant provisions of law.

Q6. Discuss and explain the procedure when a magistrate cannot pass a sentence sufficiently severe. Please quote the relevant law.

Q7. Discuss the power of the Public Prosecutor to withdraw from prosecution. Also, state the effects of such withdrawal made before or after the framing of the charge. Please quote the relevant law.

Q8. Discuss irregularities do not vitiate proceedings. Please quote the relevant law.


Q9. What is special assessment? Discuss the law relating to special assessments under the provisions of the Land Revenue Act, of 1967.

Q10. Elaborate on the legal provisions which relate to the fixation of boundary lines between rivers and estates. Also, discuss the effect of such boundary lines.

This paper examines whether the candidate demonstrates a comprehensive knowledge of criminal law, procedural law, and land revenue law. There would be stress on statutory provisions as well as application and reasoning within the realm of law.

Summary and Analysis of the Paper

Part I: Criminal Law (Pakistan Penal Code, 1860)

Criminal Conspiracy (Q1): Explain criminal conspiracy under Sections 120A and 120B of the PPC with its kinds, and punishment incurred.

Qatl-i-Amd & Gratification (Q2): Discuss exceptions to Qatl-i-Amd liability for Qisas (Sections 302, 311) and laws about gratification by public servants under Sections 161-165A.

Gratification by Public Servants (Q3): Discuss illegal gratification received by public servants for official acts under Sections 161-165A of PPC.

Special Offenses (Q4): Discuss electricity theft and meter tampering under Sections 462-J, 462-K, 462-L, and 462-O.

Part II: Procedural Law (Code of Criminal Procedure, 1898)

Justice of Peace (Q5): Discuss duties under Sections 22-A and 22-B, including FIR registration and dispute resolution.

Magistrate’s Sentencing (Q6): Explain the referral procedure under Section 325 when a magistrate lacks authority to impose severe sentences.

Public Prosecutor Withdrawal (Q7): Analyze withdrawal of prosecution conditions under Section 494 and consequences before/after charge framing.

Procedural Irregularities in Proceedings (Q8): Explain Section 537, procedural defects do not vitiate the proceedings unless justice suffers.

Part III: Land Revenue Law (Land Revenue Act, 1967)

Special Assessments (Q9): Explain Sections 67-72 relating to special assessments on account of calamities or development expenditure.

Boundary Fixation (Q10): Discuss boundary determination under Sections 111-118, including its legal implications.

PMS Law Past Paper-II 2024

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