Geology is an optional paper for the PMS examination. Here is the PMS Geology Paper-I for 2024. PPSC often conducts this Provincial Management Services (PMS) examination. This paper I on Geology was held on January 28, 2025. Find its past paper below to understand what topics were given. If you are an aspirant preparing for the PMS, this Geology paper will help you better prepare. This way you can better understand the paper and the questions.
PMS Geology Paper-I 2024
Q1. Discuss the different hypotheses and theories explaining the origin of the Earth and the Solar System.
Q2. Briefly describe the theory of plate tectonics, Sketch and explain the following interaction within the earth plates, and provide examples.
Q3. Briefly discuss the various Taphonomic and Diagenetic evolution processes with examples.
Q4. Discuss the principles of stratigraphy and geological correlations.
Q5. Why Salt of Pakistan is called the museum of geology? Explain the Permian and Mesozoic rocks exposed in the Salt Range area with their characteristic features.
Q6. a) Describe the textural classification of the Igneous rocks.
b) Describe the classification of Igneous rocks based on major element chemistry and give examples from Pakistan.
Q7. a) Discuss the significance of banded Iron formations in the evolutionary history of the earth.
b) Discuss the classification of elements for their geochemical affinity.
Q8. Discuss the polymorphic transformation in minerals.
Critical Analysis of the Paper
This paper delves into significant geological concepts, providing a comprehensive overview of Earth’s formation, plate tectonics, and mineralogy. The hypotheses explaining the origin of the Earth and the Solar System—like the Nebular Hypothesis and Modern Theories—highlight the interplay between cosmic evolution and planetary development.
Plate tectonic theory, such as interactions involving convergent (e.g., Himalayas), divergent (e.g., Mid-Atlantic Ridge), and transform boundaries (e.g., San Andreas Fault), describes Earth’s active crustal motion. The description of taphonomic and diagenetic processes shows how fossils and sediments form under environmental forces.
Principles of stratigraphy, such as superposition and faunal succession, are essential in the interpretation of geological correlations. Pakistan’s Salt Range is referred to as the “Museum of Geology” because of its varied rock record, which includes Permian and Mesozoic formations with unique lithological and fossil features.
Igneous rock classification is addressed both texturally (e.g., phaneritic, aphanitic) and chemically (e.g., felsic, mafic), using examples from Pakistan like Chilas Complex rocks. Banded Iron Formations (BIFs) are important in tracing early Earth oxygenation, and geochemical element classifications illuminate their affinities and occurrence.
Lastly, the polymorphic change in minerals, for example, from graphite to diamond, demonstrates the flexibility of mineral structures under changing pressure-temperature conditions. This article synthesizes theoretical and regional information to further geological knowledge.

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