Here you find the PMS English Precis and Comprehension paper 2021. Provincial Management Service (PMS) is a competitive examination held at the provincial level.
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English Precis and Comprehension paper 2021
Find below the Past paper of English Precis & Comprehension 2021:
Q1. Write a paragraph of 200 words on any one of the following topics:
a. The role of NCOC in combatting Covid-19
b. Pleasure of reading
c. The role of print journalism in the age of social media
d. Optimism in life
Q2. Use any Ten of the following idiomatic expressions in sentences to make their meaning clear.
a. go cold turkey
b. jump the gun
c. soften the blow
d. like two peas in a pod
e. up to the minute
f. hook, fine and sinker
g. treasure trove
h. dead ringer
i. be over the moon
j. in a pickle k. hit the hay
i. take a rain check
Q3. Write a letter or application
Write an applicator to the Medical Superintendent of your district hospital for the insufficient supply of medicine in the emergency ward.
Write a letter to the editor of a newspaper highlighting the role of electronic media in creating awareness about the moral and social values in our society.
Q4. Write the antonyms of the following words.
a. Fiasco
b. Sapient
c. Dainty
d. Arduous
e. Mitigate
Q5. Change the narration of any FIVE of the following sentences.
1. The teacher said, “Honesty is the best policy.”
2. The professor said, “If wishes were horses, beggars would ride.”
3. He said, “During my college days I took a morning walk daily.”
4. The peon said, “The principal was not in his office when the visitor came.”
5. The teacher said, “The class is going on a picnic tomorrow.”
6. My younger brother said, “I want new clothes.”
7. You said to him, “No, your brother did not come here yesterday.”
8. I said to him, “Sir, my book was stolen by somebody from my desk yesterday.”
Q6. Change the voice of any FIVE of the following sentences.
a. Do not pay him anything.
b. They will have caught the thief
c. I shall prove her innocence.
d. Lock the door.
e. I had rung the bell.
f. I bought two books.
g. He issued three tickets to them.
Q7. Fill in the blanks with suitable prepositions.
a. Huma is afraid ___ spiders.
b. How are you getting ___ at college?
c. He took the criticism ___ heart.
d. He sat ___ camp fire.
e. His bike skidded ___ the tree.
f. It was kind ___ you to help.
g. His company is greatly sought ___
h. Few persons in the world die ___ over work.
i. Will you entrust me ___ that money.
j. A junior cashier has absconded ___ ten thousand rupees.
Q8. Make a précis of the following passage and suggest a suitable title.
John Lock reflects the new situation in England more than ever when he goes on to argue that the reason men come together to live in a society, with laws, is for the preservation of their property. Since men are driven into society, it follows that the power of that society ‘can never be suffered to extend further than the common good. And this common good can only be determined by standing laws, statues, that all are aware of and agree to, and not by extemporary degrees of, say, an absolute sovereign. Moreover, these laws must be administered ‘by indifferent and upright judges’. Only In this way can the people (and rulers) know where they are.
In an important amendment to the idea of absolute monarchy, Lock said that the king can never suspend the law. Finally, Lock gave voice to the main anxiety of the rising commercial classes in England (fear of something which they saw happening in France, in state intervention in trade), that no power can take from a man his property without his consent.
A soldier may be commanded by a superior in all things, save the disposal of his property. In the same way, a man has property in his own person, meaning that a man’s labor is his property too. The most important consequence of this, Lock says is that people can be taxed only with their consent. (We recognize this now in the doctrine ‘No taxation without representation.)
Q9. Translate the following passage into English.
اگر دنیا آپ کو اپنی طرف نہیں کھینچتی، اگر اللہ کے خوف سے آپکی آنکھوں میں آنسو آ جاتے ہیں، اگر دوزخ کا تصور آپ میں خوف خدا پیدا کرتا ہے، اگر آپ اللہ کی عبادت اسطرح کرتے ہیں جس طرح کرنی چاہیے، اگر نیکی آپ کو اپنی طرف راغب کرتی ہے اور آپ کے پاوں برائی کے راستے پر جانے سے رک جاتے ہیں تو پھر آپ صالح ہیں۔ کچھ صالح ہوتے ہیں، کچھ صالح بنتے ہیں۔ صالح ہونا خوش قسمتی کی بات ہے۔ صالح بننا مسلسل تذکیہ اور مجاہدے کا عمل ہے۔ اس میں وقت لگتا ہے اور تکلیفیں بھی سہنا پڑتی ہیں۔
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thanks for sharing this paper so early.