Here you will find the PMS English Literature Paper-II 2022. PMS English Literature past Paper-II 2022. Provincial Management Services (PMS) is a competitive examination conduct by PPSC. English Literature Paper-II was held on Saturday, June 10, 2023.
PMS English Literature Paper-II of 2022
The following questions were given in the paper:
Q1. What is Jonathan Swift’s idea of Utopia as presented through Gulliver’s Travels?
Q2. To the Lighthouse is a novel about the search for meaning in life. How do the characters conduct their search? Are they successful in finding answers?
Q3. How does Oscar Wilde’s story Rose and Nightingale explore the relationship between humankind and nature?
Q4. Does Kate Chopin’s The Story of an Hour offer a feministic reading?
Q5. How do the literary references employed by Said in his Introduction to Culture and Imperialism substantiate his argument?
Q6. How does Fanon link language with decolonization?
Q7. Discuss in detail how In Praise of Chimney Sweepers illustrate Lamb’s peculiar romantic style of blending pathos with humor.
Q8. Why is Man Made Language by Dale Spender considered a cornerstone of modern feminist thought?
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