Here you will find the PMS English Literature Paper-I 2022. PMS English Literature past Paper-I 2022. Provincial Management Services (PMS) is a competitive examination conduct by PPSC. English Literature Paper-I was held on Saturday, June 10, 2023.
PMS English Literature Paper-I of 2022
The following questions were given in the paper:
Q1. How does Shakespeare use language and symbolism to portray the themes of Love and Hate in Romeo and Juliet?
Q2. Analyze the character of Mildred Douglas in The Hairy Ape. How she represents the themes of class, gender and power?
3. Discuss the use of humor in Look Back in Anger.
Q4. As a prophet, Tiresias speaks for the gods and for Fate. How does the character of Tiresias function dramatically in Oedipus Rex?
Q5. Critically analyze the role of imagination and senses in Ode to the Nightingale. How do they relate to the themes of mortality and beauty?
Q6. Analyze the symbolism in The Second Coming. Based on those symbols, draw their relationship with history and spirituality.
Q7. What aspects of Donne’s spiritual life do you find in his religious poetry? Write your answer with special reference to Death Be Not Proud.
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