Here you will find the PMS Agriculture Paper-I 2022. PMS Agriculture past Paper-I 2022. Provincial Management Services (PMS) is a competitive examination conduct by PPSC. Agriculture Paper-I was held on Friday, June 9, 2023.
PMS Agriculture Paper-I of 2022
The following questions were given in the paper:
Q1. Climate shocks have started to shake the agricultural system of Pakistan. How climatic factors affect physiological processes of crop plants and results in yield reduction?
Q2. Suggest a lay out and work plan for evaluation of an extension program with suitable examples.
Q3. What are the morphological features, behavior and habitats of major wild life species found in Pakistan?
Q4. a. Lay down schematic diagram of Indus rives system of Pakistan depicting rivers, dams, head works, and barrages along with Irrigated and link canals.
b. Suggest strategic and management roadmap for enhancing and sustaining natural water resource base in the country to ensure food security.
Q5. Tillage may be described as the practice of modifying the state of the soil in order to provide conditions favorable to crop growth. What are the objectives of tillage and why attention must be paid to the depth, time, direction and intensity of tillage?
Q6. Discuss the application of near-infrared spectroscopy as a process analytical technology for al-time product monitoring in dairy processing. Also explain its impact on the nutritional profile of processed food items.
Q7. a. What are the key indicators of agriculture growth in Pakistan? What is the relative contribution of indictors of agriculture in the national economy?
b. Discuss contemporary challenges for agricultural growth in Pakistan. Suggest measures.
View the PMS Agriculture Paper-I 2022:

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