Constitutional Law is compulsory paper in LL.B part 2 examination. All the year wise past papers of Constitutional Law of LL.B Part 2 is given here according to new and old paper pattern and sequence. Let’s have a look at the past papers of Constitutional Law LL.B part 2 examination.
Past Paper Indexing
LL.B Part 2 Constitutional Law-II Past Papers 2007 To Onward
Constitutional Law-II LL.B PART-II ANNUAL 2007 Paper-I
i) Attempt any FIVE questions in All Three questions from PART-f and TWO questions from PART-Ii. All questions carry equal marks.
Q.1. Explain the- principles of policy given under the constitution.
Q.2. Explain the composition and functions of Provincial Assemblies.
Q.3. (a) What is the extraordinary jurisdiction of the High Court?
(b) Analyse the writ jurisdiction under Article 199 of the Constitution:
Q.4. Explain the safeguards provided in the Constitution against arrest and detention.
Q.5. Discuss in detail the procedure of making an amendment in the Constitution.
Q.6. Write notes on:
- Speaker of the National Assembly.
- Chairman of the Senate.
Q.7. Discuss Maulvi Tameez-ud-Din case and briefly explain its implication on subsequent constitutional history of Pakistan.
Q.8. Give the facts, arrangements and the decision in the Asma Jillani’s case
Q.9. Discuss the salient features of the Indian Independence Act, 1947.
Q.10. What was Objective Resolution of 1949? Explain?
Constitutional Law-II LL.B PART-II ANNUAL 2008 Paper-I
Q.1. What is the role of principles of Policy? How these principles can be enforced?
Q:2. Write a detailed note on the president under Pakistan Constitution.
Q.3. Discuss various kinds of emergencies and in whom the power is vested under the constitution.
Q.4. How is the Prime Minister elected? Explain his constitutional position and functions
Q.5. What is the extraordinary jurisdiction of High Court under Article 199 of the Constitution? Under what circumstances it can be invoked’?
Q.6. Describe the qualifications and disqualifications of Members of the parliament under Constitution of 1973.
Part-II: Constitutional History of Pakistan
Q.7. What form of Government was established under the 1962 Constitution’? Give the causes of its failure.
Q.8 Discuss in detail the case of Maulvi Tameez-ud-Din Khan.
Q.9. Compare the Constitution of 1956 with the Constitution of 1973.
Q.10. Discuss the salient features of the Indian Independence Act, 1947.
Constitutional Law-II LL.B PART-II ANNUAL 2009 Paper-I
Q.1. Discuss the role of principles of policy. How can these principles be enforced?
Q.2. What are the qualifications and disqualifications of the Members of the Parliament? Discuss.
Q.3. State the procedure of the election of the Prime What is his constitutional position and how is he removed from his office?
Q.4. What is the extraordinary jurisdiction of a High Court under Article 199? Under what circumstances can it be invoked?
Q.5. How is the Supreme Judicial Council constituted? State its powers and functions.
Q.6 The Constitution of Pakistan is said to be a Rigid Constitution. Give your comments on this statement.
Part II: Constitutional History of Pakistan
Q.7. Discuss the points where the Constitution of 1956 and the Constitution of 1962 fundamentally differ from one another.
Q.8. Discuss the case of Yousuf Patel V Crown.
Q.9, State brief facts and the decision in Federation of Pakistan V Haji Saifullah Khan.
Constitutional Law-II LL.B PART-II ANNUAL 2010 Paper-I
Part-I: Constitution of Pakistan 1973
Q.1. What do you understand by Fundamental Right? Discuss Article-19 of the Constitution?
Q.2.Discuss qualification and disqualification for members of the Senate.
Q.3.What do you understand by the Electoral college for the election of President as envisaged under the Constitution of Pakistan? Discuss powers of President regarding pardon.
Q.4. What are various types of the jurisdiction of Supreme Court? Discuss original jurisdiction of Supreme Court.
Q.5. Discuss various kinds of emergency under the Constitution of Pakistan.
Q.6. Discuss the jurisdiction and powers of the Federal Shariat Court.
Part–II: Constitutional History of Pakistan
Q.7. Discuss in detail the salient features of the Constitution of 1962.
Q8. Discuss Dosso case and its implication.
Q.9. Discuss the facts of the Benazir Bhutto V President of Pakistan PLD 1992.
Q.1Q. Write down the salient features of Government of India Act, 1935.
Constitutional Law-II LL.B PART-II ANNUAL 2011 Paper-I
Q.1. The Constitution, of Pakistan, is a rigid constitution. Kindly give your comments on this statement.
Q.2. How the President of Pakistan is elected? What are the conditions and terms of his office?
Q.3. What do you understand by fundamental rights? Discuss them in detail.
Q.4. Discuss the Jurisdiction and Powers of Federal Shariat Court.
Q.5. What is the extraordinary jurisdiction of the High Court under Article 199? Under what circumstances it can be invoked?
Q.6. Write notes on any Two of the following:
a) Supreme Judicial Council b) Speaker of National Assembly
c) Council of Common Interest d) Chairman of Senate
Q.7. Discuss in detail the case of Maulvi Tameez-ud-din Khan.
Q.8. What are the causes of failure of the Constitution of 1962?
Q.9. Discuss salient features of the Indian Independence Act 1947.
Q.10. What is the Objective Resolution 1949? Explain.
Constitutional Law-II LL.B PART-II ANNUAL 2012 Paper-I
Part (1)
The Constitution of Pakistan 1973
Q.1. Draw a distinction between the concepts of right and fundamental right? Discuss Article 25 of the Constitution?
Q.2. What do you understand by the word “Parliament”? Discuss various qualifications for the membership of the National Assembly?
Q.3. What do you mean by Quorum? Discuss the procedures of Summoning and Prorogation of the Parliament as provided in the Constitution?
Q.4. The Supreme Court of Pakistan is the highest court of the country. What is the procedure for the appointment of its judges?
Q.5. Can the Constitution be .suspended? Discuss various kinds of emergencies as envisaged by the Constitution of Pakistan, 1973
Q.6. Write a note on the following?
(a) Senate, and (b) Speaker of National Assembly.
Part (2)
Constitutional History of Pakistan
Q. 7: Discuss in detail Dosso’s case?
Q.8. Write a comprehensive note on the Interim of 1972?
Q.9. Discuss the salient features of the Indian Independence Act, 1947?
Q.10. Discuss Nusrat Bhutto v. COAS’s case?
Constitutional Law-II LL.B PART-II ANNUAL 2013 Paper-I
Part (1)
The Constitution of Pakistan 1973
Q1. What is high treason? Discuss under the light of Article 6 of the Constitution?
Q2. What the significance of fundamental rights? Explain ho many fundamental rights are there in the constitution?
Q.3 Write a comprehensive not on the president of Pakistan of Pakistan under the relevant provisions of the Constitution?
Q.4 What do you understand by the term parliament as envisaged in the Constitution? Discuss Articles.62 of the constitution regarding qualification for its membership?
Q.5 What do you mean by judicature in Pakistan? Discuss various kinds of jurisdictions conferred on the Supreme Court of Pakistan under the Constitution?
Q.6 How can the Fundamental rights be suspended under the constitution? Discuss Article 232 in this regard?
Part (2) Constitutional History of Pakistan
Q.7 Write a comprehensive note on the independence Act, 1947, discussing it prominent aspects?
Q8. Discuss the salient features of the constitutions of 1962?
Part (3) Leading Constitutional Cases
Q9. Discuss Asma Jilani V. Government of Punjab?
Q10. Explain State V. Dosso case and how it is significant in Pakistan’s constitutional history?
Constitutional Law-II LL.B PART-II ANNUAL 2014 Paper-I
Part-I (Constitution of Pakistan 1973)
Q.1. Explain the significance of fundamental rights comprehensively emphasizing on the newly inserted rights of Education, Right to Fair Tril0 and Freedom of Information’.
Q.2 In the parliamentary system of govt in Pakistan, President is a ceremonial post. Discuss the institution of President in detail.
Q.3 Write a comprehensive note on provincial Autonomy in Pakistan.
Q.4 National Assembly is a lower house of the legislature in Pakistan; explain its composition, qualification Of members and its procedure to enact the law.
Q.5 Discuss in detail the writ jurisdiction of High Courts under Article 199 of the Constitution.
Part-II (Constitutional History of Pakistan)
Q.6 The Independence act, 1947 divided British India into India and Pakistan. Discuss the Act.
Q.7 Discuss the salient features of the Constitution of 1962
Part-III (Leading Constitutional Cases)
Q.8 How the constitutional case of Asma Jilani differs with dosso case. Explain.
Q.9 Explain the leading case of Nusrat Bhutto.
Constitutional Law-II LL.B PART-II ANNUAL 2015 Paper-I
(The Constitution of Pakistan 1973)
Q1. Explain the term “Fundamental rights” and its significance in administration of justice. Elaborate the rights (safeguard) of the accused person against illegal arrest and detention. (Article 10) including the right to fair trial. (Article 10-A) of 1973 Constitution.
Q.2 Discuss the election procedure and impeachment of procedure of the president under the relevant provision of the constitution.
Q.3 Discuss the election procedure and impeachment of procedure or the president under the relevant provision of the constitution.
Q.4 Discuss in detail the qualification and disqualification for the members of Mjlis-e-shoora (Parliament).
Q.5 Under what circumstances. Can an emergency be proclaimed? What are powers of the president during the emergency period?
Q.6 Write a note on any two of the following:
- Federal Shariat Court
- 18 Constitutional
- Election Commission of Pakistan.
- flight Treason
(Constitutional History of Pakistan)
Q. 7 Discuss in detail the salient features of interim constitution of 1972.
Q.8 Discuss in detail the fundamental features of Govt of India Act 1935.
(Leading Constitutional Cases)
Q.9 Discuss in detail the facts, issues and principles laid down by the Supreme Court of Pakistan in Asma Jilani v. Govt. of Punjab (PLD 1972 SC 139).
Q.10 Discuss Nusrat Bhutto Vs. COAS case 1977.
Constitutional Law-II LL.B PART-II ANNUAL 2017 Paper-I
Note: Attempt any THREE questions from part-I and ONE question each from part-II and part-III, all questions carry equal marks.
Part-I (Constitution of Pakistan)
Q.1 Explain the fundamental rights in the 1973 constitution and how the Fundamental Rights are different from Principles of Policy? Comment.
Q.2 Discuss the jurisdiction of Supreme Court of
Pakistan under the relevant provision of the Constitution of Pakistan, 1973.
Q.3 Enumerate the qualification and disqualification of
the members of Parliament (Majlis-e-Shoora) in the light of Article 62 and 63 of the 1973 Constitution.
Q.4 Discuss the constitutional powers of President and how the President is removed or impeached from the office under 1973 Constitution?
Q.5 Discuss the Islamic character of the Constitution of Pakistan, 1973, with reference to the Islamic Provisions of the Constitution.
Q.6 Write a short note on any TWO of the following:
- Council of Common Interest
- Chief Manager
- Election Commission of Pakistan
- Senate
Part-II (Constitutional History of Pakistan)
Q.7 Critically examine the Independence Act, 1947.
Q.8 Discuss the salient features of the Interim Constitution of 1972.
Part-III (Leading Constitutional Cases)
Q.9 Explain the facts and the principles laid down in the Case of Asma Jilani V. The Government of Punjab (PLD 1972 SC 139).
Q.10 Discuss the case State V. Dosso (PLD 1958 SC 533)
Constitutional Law-II LL.B PART-II ANNUAL 2019 Paper-I
Part-I (Constitutional Law)
Q1. Explain the scope of fundamental rights in Pakistan discuss with the special reference to fair trial, freedom of association and equality of citizens.
Q2. Discuss the law related to Principles of Policy and elaborate the statements about promotion of Social Justice and eradication of social evils and promotion of social and economic well-being of the people of Pakistan in the light of relevant provisions of the Constitution.
Q3. Discuss the writ jurisdiction of High Courts of Pakistan according to Article 199 and limitations on the exercise of this jurisdiction.
Q4. How the president of Pakistan is elected and removed / impeached under articles 41 and 47 of the Constitution of Islamic Republic of Pakistan, 1973.
Q5. The Constitution of Islamic Republic of Pakistan is based on Islamic Principles. Do you agree with the statement? And elucidate the Islamci Provisions in the Constitution of 1973.
Q6. Write a comprehensive note on any two of the following:
- Appointment of Judges in Superior Courts of Pakistan
- Governor
- National Finance Commission (NFC)
- Legislature procedure in the Constitution of Pakistan
Part-II (Constitutional History of Pakistan)
Q7. Discuss in detail the fundamental features of Interim Constitution of 1972.
Q8. Write a comprehensive note on the Government of India Act 1935 and its short comings.
Part-III (Leading Constitutional Cases)
Q9. Discuss the facts, issues, and principles laid down by the Honorable Supreme Court in the Syed Zafar Ali Sha Vs. Gen Pervaiz Musharaf (PLD 200 SC 869).
Q10. Discuss Asma Jillani Vs Govt of the Punjab (PLD 1972 SC 139).
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