LLB Part 1 Law of Torts and Easement Past Papers 2007-2019

The Law Of Tort and Easement is compulsory paper in LL.B part 1 examination every year. Find All the year wise past papers of Law Of Tort and Easement of LL.B Part 1 here and prepare for your next future examination. These past papers will helpful for having an idea about the nature of the paper and to solve it easily.

Year Wise Past Papers of Law of Tort and Easement


LL.B Part 1 Law Of Tort and Easement Past Papers 2007 To Onward

Law Of Tort and Easement LL.B PART-I ANNUAL 2007 Paper-V

NOTE: Attempt FIVE questions. FOUR from Part 1 & one question from part II.


Q.1 Write a detailed note on the discharge of Tort.

Q.2 Explain the Extra-Judicial remedies in Tort.

Q.3 What is ‘Trespass to Land”? What remedies are available against it?

Q.4 Explain the principle that slander is actional on proof of special damage. What are exceptions to this rule?

Q.5 Discuss in detail Public and Private nuisance.

Q.6 Explain the doctrine of Absolute Liability.

Q.7 Write notes on following:

  • Damnum sine Injuria
  • Vounti non fit Injuria

Q.8 Discuss the case of Ashby v. White.


Q.9 How easement can be acquired through prescription? Discuss.

Q.10 What is meant by an easement? How it can be extinguished?

Law Of Tort and Easement LL.B PART-I ANNUAL 2008 Paper-V


Q.1. Write a detailed essay on “Remedies in Tort”.

Q.2 Define and discuss the word “TORT” in detail. A tort is different from Contract and crime. How?

Q.3. How the death of the plaintiff or the defendant affects the tort action? Can or cannot the case proceed in such a situation? Give your answer with the help of illustrations.

Q.4. Briefly discuss who cannot Sue in torts?

Q.5. Define “Libel’ and ‘Slander’. Also, distinguish the two from each other.

Q.6. Explain the doctrine of. Absolute liability.

Q.7. Briefly discuss defenses in tort.

Q8. Discuss in detail the kinds of damages in tort.


Q.9. Explain various kinds of easements

Q.10 Define and discuss in detail ‘Easement by Custom.

Law Of Tort and Easement LL.B PART-I ANNUAL 2009 Paper-V


Q.1. Write a detailed note on the discharge of Tort.

Q.2. Define “Defamation” and discuss privilege as a defence.

Q.3. Discuss “Assault” and “Battery”. What is the difference between the two?

Q.4. Discuss in detail the principle of “Vicarious Liability”.

Q.5. Define “Negligence”. What are its essentials? Discuss in detail.

Q.6. Discuss the following maxims:

  • Res ipsa Loquitor
  • Trespass ab initio

Q.7. What are the extra-judicial remedies available for Tort? Discuss

Q.8. What is “Absolute Liability? Explain with examples


Q.9. What is an easement? How can it be acquired and how extinguished?

Q.10.What is “Prescription”? How can easement be acquired through “Prescription”?

Law Of Tort and Easement LL.B PART-I ANNUAL 2010 Paper-V


Q 1. Define Tort. What are the essentials of Tort (s)?

Q2. What do you understand by the Tort of “False Imprisonment”?

Q3. Explain duty of care in the context of “The Law of Negligence”.

Q4. What do you understand by the term “Damages”? Elaborate various kinds of damages.

Q5. Discuss Assault and Battery while quoting relevant case law.

Q6. Explain Libel, while mentioning relevant case law.

Q7. Highlight the differences between “Public” and “Private” Nuisance.

.Q8. Write short notes on:

  • Injuria sine damno
  • Damnum sine injuria
  • Slander


Q9. What is meant by the easement? How can it be extinguished?

Q10. How can easement be acquired through a grant? Explain fully.

Law Of Tort and Easement LL.B PART-I ANNUAL 2011 Paper-V


Q.1. What do you understand by Law of Tort(s)? What are the essentials of Tort(s)?

Q.2 Just mention few of the general defences in Tort(s) (without giving detail). Do highlight the defences of Volenti non fit injuria” and “Contributory negligence”.

Q.3 Discuss “False Imprisonment” quoting relevant case law.

Q.4 Give a comprehensive view of the “Tort of Defamation”.

Q.5 How “Public” and “Private” Nuisance differ from each other?

Q.6 Explain Trespass to Land and Trespass ab initio.

Q.7 Write a detailed note on the “Law of Negligence”.

Q.8 Write short notes on:

i) Damnum since injuria ii) Ubi jus ibi remedium


Q.9 How the ‘term “Easement” can be explained? Can it be extinguished?

Q.10 Can Easement be acquired through a grant? If yes, how? Explain fully.

Law Of Tort and Easement LL.B PART-I ANNUAL 2012 Paper-V

Part-1 Contract Act 1872

Q.1 What do you understand by law of Torts? What are the essentials of torts?

Q. 2 What is the Tort of Defamation? Explain in detail.

Q. 3 What is the difference between Public and Private nuisance?

Q. 4 Write a detailed note on Law of. Negligence.

Q. 5 Explain False Imprisonment in detail.

Q. 6 Discuss duty of care in context of the topic of

Q. 7 Write various kinds of damages in Torts.

Q. 8 Write short notes on:

  1.  Injuria Sine Damnum
  2.  Res ipsa loqvitor


Q. 9 Define Easement. What are the kinds of Easement?

Q. 10 How Can Easement be acquired? Explain its modes.

Law Of Tort and Easement LL.B PART-I ANNUAL 2013 Paper-V


Q1 Explain in details the general defences of Torts

Q2 Define Torts. How it differs from crime?

Q3 Write a detailed note on “trespass to land”.

Q4 Comprehensively explain the Tort of Malicious Prosecution”.

Q5 State the principle laid down in the case of “Ashby Vs White”.

Q6 Discuss in detail the principle of “Vicarious liability”.

Q7 Discuss in detail the principle of “Vicarious liability”.

Q8 Write a detailed note on “Contributory Negligence”.


Q9 Explain in detail that how Easement can be acquired through a grant?

Q10 Define Easement. What are the various kinds of Easement?

Law Of Tort and Easement LL.B PART-I ANNUAL 2014 Paper-V


Q1. Differentiate between.

(a) Tort and crime (b) Tort and Contract

Q2 Define malicious prosecution with reference to case law. Explain the difference between malicious prosecution and abuse of legal process.

Q3 Write a detailed note on defenses available in an action for tort?

Q4 Action dies with the death of either party”Is there any exception to this rule comments.

Q5 Negligence is an Omission to perform the duty. Explain it with reference to case law.

Q6 Write a detailed note on the following:

  1. Contributory Negligence
  2. Qualified privilege
  3. Extra-Judicial remedies

Q7 Who can use law of tort explain.

Q8. What is false imprisonment? What defense are available to a defendant in case of false imprisonment.


Q9. Explain in detail easement and its kind?

Q 10 How easement is extinguished. If this is extinguished, then how it is revived.

Law Of Tort and Easement LL.B PART-I ANNUAL 2015 Paper-V


Q.1 Write in detail defenses available in a suit for defamation.

Q2 Explain vicarious liability and why does it exist?

Q3 What are the general defenses in an action for tort?

Q4 Explain

(a) Legal remedy (b) Legal damage (c) Legal injury

Q5 What does the claimant have to prove in order to Succeed in an action for negligence?

Q6 Besides malice what else needs to be proved in a suit for malicious prosecution. Give relevant case

Q7 What is trespass to person? Write a comprehensive note on False imprisonment.


Q8  What remedies are generally available in the law of tort?

Q9. What are the different modes of acquisition of an easement?

Q10. How is an easement extinguished and revived?

Law Of Tort and Easement LL.B PART-I ANNUAL 2017 Paper-V

Attempt FIVE questions. Four from Part-I and ONE question from Part-II.


Q.1 Tort is a civil wrong but not all civil wrongs are torts. What are the ingredients needed to establish liability in tort?

Q.2 Explain the rule in Ryland V. Fletcher and its exception

Q.3 What are the modes of discharge of torts?

Q.4 Write short notes on

  • Contributory Negligence
  • Judicial remedy
  • Extra-judicial remedy

Q.5 Define Negligence and give its elements in detail.

Q.6 How the defendant can defend himself in an action for defamation. Discuss in detail.

Q.7 How does the court determine unreasonably Interference in nuisance? Give examples.

Q.8 Who cannot sue in tort?


Q.9 Narrate the essential characteristics of an Elementary right.

Q.10 Who can acquire an easement and impose easement?

Law Of Tort and Easement LL.B PART-I ANNUAL 2018 Paper-V

Note: Attempt FOUR question from PART I and one from PART 2. All question carry equal marks.


Q.1 Write a note on damun sine injuria and injuria sine damnum.

Q.2 Explain the doctrine of contributory negligence what is rule of contributory negligence of children support the answer with relevant case law.

Q.3 Who cannot sue under law of torts?

Q.4 Define malicious prosecution with reference to case law. Explain the difference between malicious prosecution and abuse of legal process.

Q.5 What are the pre—requisite of an action in libel? And when slander is actionable without proof of special damage.

Q.6 Negligence is absence of the care which reasonable man would take in the circumstance. Justify this statement with the help of case law.

Q.7 What are various kinds of damages?

Q.8 What is public and private nuisance? Also explain the differences between nuisance and negligence.

Q.9 Explain justification/defenses as enunciated in law of torts

Q.10 Write a note on the following:

  • Waiver by election
  • Extra-juditial remedies
  • Malice, motive and intention


Q.11 How easement is disturbed , what are the remedies that can be availed by the claimant?

Q.12 Write acquisition by prescription. Which rights cannot be acquired by prescription?


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