LL.B Part-III: Law of Torts and Easement Past Paper Annual 2019

Here you will find LL.B Part-III Law of Torts and Easement Past Paper Annual 2019. This Law of Torts and Easement paper is the fifth paper in the LL.B (5 years) Part-III examination. Find below the past paper of the Law of Torts and Easement Annual 2019.

Note: Attempt FOUR Questions from Part-I and ONE question from Part ll. All questions carry equal marks.


Q1. What are the various kinds of General defenses in tort? Give examples.

Q2. How does Tort differ from Contract? Is the distinction between the two becoming blurred?

Q3. What are the requirements for establishing liability in negligence? Does the same apply in the case of contributory negligence?

Q4. Explain Trespass to the Person and give a detailed account of False imprisonment.

Q5. What is the law on private nuisance? Who can sue and who can be sued in an action for nuisance?

Q6. Elaborate on the concept of vicarious liability arising by relation with a particular focus on various tests devised in this area.

Q7. In the domain of tort law discuss defamation and its defenses.

Q8. Give an account of the judicial and extra-judicial remedies available in torts.


Q9. Define Easement and narrate its essential characteristics in detail. How is it related to Tort law?

Q10. How is an easement extinguished?

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