LL.B Part-III: English Jurisprudence Past Paper Supplementary 2017

Here you will find LL.B Part-III English Jurisprudence Past Paper Supplementary 2017. This English Jurisprudence paper is the second paper in the LL.B (5 years) Part-III examination. Find below the past paper of the English Jurisprudence Supplementary 2017.

Note: Attempt any five of the following questions to carry equal marks.

Q1. Define Jurisprudence. Discuss its various kinds. Explain the scope of Analytical Jurisprudence.

Q2. Explain the term “question of law” “question of fact” and ‘mixed questions of law and fact.

Q3. Is Law territorial in nature? Explain.

Q4. Explain the classification of civil law.

Q5. Define legislation. Discuss its various kinds.

Q6. Explain the difference between substantive law and procedure law.

Q7. Write a note on the following:

  • Unborn child as a legal person
  • Corporation
  • Status of animals under the law

Q8. Explain the origin and necessity of the Administration of justice. Also, discuss various kinds of justice.

Q9. Define Evidence. Discuss various kinds of evidence.

Q10. Define Custom. Explain various kinds of customs.

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