LL.B Part-II: Introduction to Legal Systems Past Paper Supplementary 2018

Here you will find LL.B Part-II Introduction to Legal Systems Past Paper Supplementary 2018. This Introduction to Legal Systems paper is the fifth paper in the LL.B (5 years) Part-II examination. Find below the past paper of Introduction to Legal Systems Supplementary 2018.

Note: Attempt any five questions. Select THREE from Part-I and TWO from Part-ll. All questions carry equal marks.

Part-I (World Legal System) (60 Marks)

Q1. a) What do you understand by the term Legal System and enumerate the various forms of the word legal?

b) Discuss the building blocks of global legal systems.

Q2. (a) Explain the concept of Civil Law Tradition; discuss the Origin and Historical aspects of Civil Law traditions.

b) Discuss the sources of the Civil Law Legal System.

Q3. a) Define the terms Civil Law and Common Law and differentiate between Civil Law Legal System and Common Law Legal System.

b) Discuss the characteristics of Common Law.

Q4. Discuss the Historical Development of a Roman Legal System.
(b) Enumerate the salient features of the law of the Twelve Tables

Q5. What is meant by “Natural Justice” discuss the scope of Principles of Natural Justice in the World Legal System and explain these Principles with cogent arguments.

Q6. Write a short note on any two of the following: (10=10=20)

  • Quran and Sunnah as a source of Legal System
  • Hybrid Legal System
  • Impact of Globalization on the World Legal System
  • Charter of Magna Carta (1215)

Part-ll (Legal System of Pakistan) (40 Marks)

Q7. Discuss the development of the Constitution and Law in Sub-Continent and elaborate on die salient features of the Legal System of Pakistan with reference to Islamic Character.

Q8. Alternative Dispute Resolution (ADRs) is an expeditious and inexpensive method to resolve civil and commercial disputes in Pakistan, discuss the scope and reasons for the acceptability of this method, and highlight the role of Courts in Pakistan in the promotion of ADRs.

Q9. Discuss the Organizational structure and jurisdiction of Courts in Pakistan.

Q10. Write a short note on any two of the following:

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