Here you will find LL.B Part-4 Constitutional Law-II Past Paper Annual 2020. This Constitutional Law-II paper is the first paper in the LL.B (5 years program) Part-4 examination. Find below the past paper of Constitutional Law-II 2020.
LLB Part-4 Constitutional Law-II paper of 2020
Find below the past paper of Constitutional Law-II for LLB Part-4 annual 2020.
Attempt any THREE questions from Part-l and ONE question each from Part-ll and Part-III. All questions carry equal marks.
Part-I (Constitution of Pakistan)
Q1. Principles of policy are the directive principles to achieve the cherished goal. They are like the lighthouse in the sea of good governance. They are to keep direction to the right goal. They are different and distinct from Fundamental rights and also not of the same force yet they have a role to see the ongoing process of constitutional life of a people in a democratic setup, discuss.
Q2. What are the Safeguards provided in the Constitution of Pakistan to a person who is in arrest or detention? Discuss in light of article 10 of the Constitution of the Islamic Republic of Pakistan.
Q4. Discuss the writ jurisdiction of the High Court under article 199 of the Constitution.
4 How the Prime Minister of Pakistan is elected? Discuss the Constitutional role of the prime Minister after the 18th amendment.
Q5. Discuss the mechanism for the proclamation of emergency and in which circumstances the proclamation of emergency may be imposed and what are its effects on fundamental rights.
Q6. On what grounds, the members of Parliament can be disqualified? Enumerate with reference to article 63 of the Constitution.
Part II (Constitutional History of Pakistan)
Q7. Discuss the salient features of the Government of India Act, of 1935.
Q8. Write a comprehensive note on Legal Frame Work Order, 2002.
Part III (Leading Constitutional Cases)
Q9. Discuss Begum Nusrat Bhutto Vs Chief of Army Staff (PLD 197? SC 657) and its impacts on the Democracy in Pakistan.
Q10. Write a comprehensive note on Mehram Ali Vs Federation of Pakistan (P L D 1998 SC 1445)
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