LL.B Part-III: Law of Torts and Easement Past Paper Annual 2018

Here you will find LL.B Part-III Law of Torts and Easement Past Paper Annual 2018. This Law of Torts and Easement paper is the fifth paper in the LL.B (5 years) Part-III examination. Find below the past paper of the Law of Torts and Easement Annual 2018.

Note: Attempt FOUR Questions from Part-I and ONE question from Part ll. All questions carry equal marks.


Q1. Write a note on damun sine injuria and injuria sine damnum.

Q2. Explain the doctrine of contributory negligence. What is the rule of contributory negligence of children to support the answer with relevant case law?

Q3. Who cannot sue under the law of torts?

Q4. Define malicious prosecution with reference to case law. Explain the difference between malicious prosecution and abuse of legal process.

Q5. What are various kinds of damages?

Q6. What are public and private nuisances? Also, explain the differences between nuisance and negligence.

Q7. Explain justification/defenses as enunciated in the law of torts.

Q8. Write a note on the following:

  1. Waiver by-election
  2. Extra-judicial remedies
  3. Malice, motive, and intention


Q9. How easement is disturbed what are the / remedies that can be availed by the claimant?

Q10. What is the relevant law regarding the acquisition by prescription? Which rights cannot be acquired by prescription?

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