LL.B Part-III: Criminal Law Past Paper Annual 2017

Here you will find LL.B Part-III Criminal Law Past Paper Annual 2017. This Criminal Law paper is the sixth paper in the LL.B (5 years) Part-III examination. Find below the past paper of the Criminal Law Annual 2017.

Note: Attempt any ONE question from Part-I and FOUR questions from Part ll.


Q1. Discuss the causes of crime against women in Pakistan. To what extent the legislative measures have been successful in protecting and empowering women in Pakistan?

Q2. Discuss various causes of’ juvenile delinquency in Pakistan.


Q3. Discuss various kinds of punishment as having been provided in the Pakistan Penal Code.

Q4. What is the right of private defense? Discuss the circumstances under which the right of private defense of the body extends to causing death.

Q5. Define Qatl-e-amd. Discuss the method of proof of Qatl-e-amd liable to qisas. Describe the cases in which qisas for Qatl-e-amd shall not be enforced.

Q6. Define Shajjah and discuss its various kinds and their punishments.

Q7. Define and distinguish between kidnapping and abduction and state punishment for various kinds of kidnapping.

Q8. Define and explain criminal conspiracy and discuss its punishment

Q9. Define and distinguish between robbery and decoity. Also, state punishment for the two.

Q10. Discuss various provisions of the Offences Against Property (Enforcement of Hudood) Ordinance, 1979 relating to Hurabah.

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