LL.B Part-III: Law of Torts and Easement Past Paper Annual 2017

Here you will find LL.B Part-III Law of Torts and Easement Past Paper Annual 2017. This Law of Torts and Easement paper is the fifth paper in the LL.B (5 years) Part-III examination. Find below the past paper of the Law of Torts and Easement Annual 2017.

Note: Attempt FOUR Questions from Part-I and ONE question from Part ll. All questions carry equal marks.


Q1. A tort is a civil wrong but not all civil wrongs are torts. What are the ingredients needed to establish liability in tort?

Q2. Explain the rule in Ryland v. Rletcher and its exception.

Q3. What are the modes of discharge of torts?

Q4. Write short notes on:

  • Contributory negligence
  • Judicial remedy
  • Extra-judicial remedy

Q5. Define Negligence and give its elements in detail.

Q6. How the defendant can defend himself in an action for defamation. Discuss in detail.

Q7. How does the court determine unreasonable interference in nuisance? Give examples

Q8. Who cannot sue in tort?


Q9. Narrate the essential characteristics o an Easementary right.

Q10. Who can acquire an easement and impose an easement?

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