CSS Psychology Paper 2020

In this article, you will get the CSS Psychology Paper 2020. Get Psychology Paper 2020.

Get CSS Psychology Paper of 2020

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Attempt 4 questions from this Paper of CSS Psychology.

1. What is street smartness? How Gardner’s approach differs from other theories of intelligence?

2. What is the rationale behind using projective tests of personality? How TAT and Rorschach Ink Blot tests are different in terms of their structure and psychometric qualities?

3. Enlist positive and negative symptoms along with different types of schizophrenia. Give the major plan of management of schizophrenia.

4. How construct validity of psychological tests is determined by employing different psychometric procedures?

5. How the effectiveness of psychotherapy can be determined? Identify situations in which unconditional positive regard would be appropriate. How can CBT change the unhealthy state of a person?

6. Why do we tend to explain the causes of others and our own behaviors? Compare and contrast the different theories of attribution.

7.  Why are raw scores on a psychological test meaningless until interpreted with norms? Differentiate between developmental norms and within-group norms with reference to major types of norms.

Note: The Psychology paper was not so tough as it was in the previous examination. Psychology is a good scoring subject. If you read out the whole syllabus once then, you can easily score between 60 to 75 marks. So it is better to read out the whole syllabus once and then make the notes as per your requirements.


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