CSS International Law Paper 2020

In this article, you will get the CSS International Law Paper 2020.

Get the CSS International Law Paper of 2020

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Download CSS International Law Paper 2020.

The following questions were asked in International Law paper in the 2020 CSS examination.

1. “The Rules regarding the persistent and subsequent objector reveal a critical weakness at the heart of the international law, including a rule that achieves jus cogens standing, then international law cannot really be described as ‘law’.”

2. The way in which a state approaches international law will depend on whether it adheres to the monistic or dualistic school of thought. Examine this quotation with examples.

3. How extradition has been defined in international law? What is meant by the non-extradition of ‘political offenders’? What are the conditions necessary for extradition?

4. Blockade of the Ports or coasts of a State by the Armed Forces of another State is an example of an Aggressive Act. Explain the laws relating to blockade under international Humanitarian Law.

5. Does current international law concerning immunity suggest that heads of state and former heads of state responsible for serious human rights violations would be well advised to remain at home?

6. Critically appraise the position of international law relating to self-determination and secession in the light of the International Court of Justice’s advisory opinion concerning the status of Kosovo.

7. Write short notes on the following:

  • Belligerent occupations in public international law
  • Difference between state immunity and diplomatic immunity

Note: You can also view the Paper 1 of CSS Political Science CSS Punjabi Paper, CSS Islamic Study Paper, CSS English Essay Papers for 2020.


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