CSS Gender Studies Notes & Study Material

Gender studies is an interdisciplinary academic field devoted to analyzing gender identity and gendered representation. Gender Studies is an optional subject in the CSS examination. Here you will find the CSS “Gender Studies” Notes and Study Material. Gender Studies is a concise subject that can be prepared within 2 months easily. So, if you have less time for the CSS examination then Gender Studies will be a good optional subject. These notes and study material will help prepare for your Gender Studies subject in the CSS examination.

View other CSS Subjects notes and relevant study material.

1. Gender Studies: Introduction, Basic Concepts & Detailed Analysis
2. Gender Vs. Women Studies
3. The Social Construction of Gender
4. Feminist Theories & Practice
5. Gender and Development in Gender Studies
6. Women’s Status in Pakistan
7. Gender & Governance
8. Gender Based Violence
9. Various Case Studies in Gender

Note: this CSS Gender Studies page is updated from time to time. Visit again to find fresh and updated content here.


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