This is the CSS Criminology Paper 2019. You can view or download this CSS Criminology Paper 2019.
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The following questions were given in the CSS Criminology Paper of 2019:
Q2. Travis Hirschi argued that crime results when an individual’s bond to society is weak or broken. Discuss in detail what this theory of social bonding explains about crime.
Q3. Discuss the fundamental postulates of Edwin Sutherland’s Differential association theory with examples.
Q4. Discuss some of the functions and responsibilities of Juvenile Justice System. Do you believe that juvenile justice has played its role in prevention of juvenile crimes in Pakistan?
Q5. How far recidivism has been limited by the institution of prison? Explain some of the modern strategies used in prison for the restoration and reintegration of criminals.
Q7. How the forensic science is a helpful tool in the modern day for determining and detection of violent crimes?
Q6. Define and differentiate interviewing and interrogation techniques. How far human rights of criminals are being violated during the interrogation process?
Q8. Cybercrime is increasing at national and international levels. Suggest some measures to control this kind of crime.
Q9. How do violent crimes affect social fabric of Pakistani society? Discuss some of the modern policing strategies for prevention and control of the violent crimes in Pakistan.
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