PMS Veterinary Science Paper-II 2021

Here you will get the PMS Veterinary Science Paper-II 2021. PMS Veterinary Science Paper-II 2021. Provincial Management Services (PMS) is a competitive examination held at the provincial level. PPSC is conducting this PMS 2021 from June 23, 2022, to July 07, 2022.

PMS Veterinary Science Paper-II of 2021

The following questions were asked in the PMS Veterinary Science Paper-II:

Q1. (a) What is the role of minerals in dairy animals’ ration? Discuss in detail.

(b) How energy balance Influences reproductive efficiency In dairy animals?

Q2. For a Holstein cattle farm of 500 animals, how you as a manager, will manage a year-round plan to meet the feeding (forages and concentrate) requirements of all classes of animals?

Q3. How do you see the future of imported exotic live dairy animals in Pakistan (subtropical environment)? What are the Implications of this import and its impact on small livestock holders?

Q4. An Investor (Non-technical in relation to livestock) Intends to establish a modern meat production enterprise. As a technical person, how would you guide him for the purpose? From where he should start his business and how to make it a success?

Q5. How modern clay broiler has been developed and improved over time?

Q6. (a) Give an account of marker-assisted selection and its application in farm animals Improvement.

(b) How would you plan for genetic improvement in farm animals with special reference to buffaloes in Pakistan?

Q7. (a) How a dairy sire is important in genetic Improvement and how its reproductive efficiency can be Improved?

(b) Give an account of the progeny testing program for Sahiwal cattle and buffaloes in Pakistan.

Q8. Backyard poultry is an important segment of the poultry industry in Pakistan. Give a comprehensive plan to improve its performance.

View PMS Veterinary Science Paper-II 2021:

PMS Veterinary Science Paper-II 2021

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